Nanoengineering - Revista - Acs Omega

1. H. Hano, C. Lawrie, B. Suarez, A. Lario, I. Echeverría, J. Mediavilla, M. Cruz, E. Lopez and A. Seifert
Acs Omega 9, 14084 (2024)
Power of Light: Raman Spectroscopy and Machine Learning for the Detection of Lung Cancer

2. A. Rodriguez-Abetxuko, M. Morant-Minana, M. Knez and A. Beloqui
Acs Omega 4, 5172 (2019)
Carrierless Immobilization Route for Highly Robust Metal-Organic Hybrid Enzymes
PDF -Carrierless Immobilization Route for Highly Robust Metal-Organic Hybrid Enzymes Publicher's version/PDF may be used
