Nanomedicine - 2022ko argitalpenak
1. B. Fernandez-d'Arlas, A. Arteaga, A. Saralegi, M. Corcuera, A. Eceiza and A. Muller
Polymer 241, 124521 (2022)
Self-assembly and crystallization of double crystalline aliphatic thermoplastic biopolyurethane and its nucleation with cellulose nanocrystals
2. D. Peters, A. Reifs, A. Alonso-Caballero, A. Madkour, H. Waller, B. Kenny, R. Perez-Jimenez and J. Lakey
PLoS Pathogens 18, e1010447 (2022)
Unraveling the molecular determinants of the anti-phagocytic protein cloak of plague bacteria
3. K. Ashurbekova, K. Ashurbekova, B. Alonso-Lerma, I. Saric, L. Barandiaran, E. Modin, M. Petravic, R. Perez-Jimenez and M. Knez
ACS Applied Nano Materials 5, (2022)
Biocompatible Silicon-Based Hybrid Nanolayers for Functionalization of Complex Surface Morphologies
4. E. Herrero-Galan, I. Martinez-Martin, C. Sanchez-Gonzalez, N. Vicente, E. Bonzon-Kulichenko, E. Calvo, C. Suay-Corredera, M. Pricolo, A. Fernandez-Trasancos, D. Velazquez-Carreras, C. Careaga, M. Abdellatif, S. Sedej, P. Rainer, D. Giganti, R. Perez-Jimenez, J. Vazquez and J. Alegre-Cebollada
Redox Biology 52, 102306 (2022)
Basal oxidation of conserved cysteines modulates cardiac titin stiffness and dynamics
5. A. Rodriguez-Abetxuko, A. Reifs, D. Sanchez-deAlcazar and A. Beloqui
Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 61, e202206926 (2022)
A Versatile Chemoenzymatic Nanoreactor that Mimics NAD(P)H Oxidase for the In Situ Regeneration of Cofactors
This is the peer reviewed version of an article which has been published in final form at Angewandte Chemie-International Edition. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving
6. L. Barandiaran, B. Alonso-Lerma, A. Reifs, I. Larraza, R. Olmos-Juste, A. Fernandez-Calvo, Y. Jabalera, A. Eceiza and R. Perez-Jimenez
Communications Materials 3, 55 (2022)
Enzymatic upgrading of nanochitin using an ancient lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase