Research Lines
The Electron Microscopy Laboratory, led by Dr. Andrey Chuvilin, gathers highly qualified specialists, researchers and technicians with profound expertise in imaging, nanofabrication and related fields.
The laboratory is equipped with high-end instruments to provide reliable services to the global scientific & industrial community and to pursue independent research lines established in diverse areas of material science.
EM Equipment
- Environmental SEM
- Dual-beam FIB/SEM
- Cryo-FIB
- Sample Preparation
- ...
- Environmental SEM
- Dual-beam FIB/SEM
- Cryo-FIB
- Sample Preparation
- ...
EM Research
- Dynamics of Atoms
- Plasticity of Metals
- Processes in Liquids
- Dynamics of Atoms
- Plasticity of Metals
- Processes in Liquids
Image Gallery
Albisteak - Mikroskopia elektronikoa
CIC nanoGUNEk beste spin-off bat abiarazi du, erditze seguruago baterako teknologia batekin
CIC nanoGUNEk bere zazpigarren spin-offa abiarazi du: Optec4Life. Enpresak teknologia berri bat garatuko du denbora errealeko etengabeko monitorizazio ez-inbaditzailerako gailu mediko bat jartzeko ospitaleetako obstetra-taldeen esku, erditzean asfixia perinatala diagnostikatu ahal izateko, eta horrekin beharrezkoak…Read more