Nanoengineering - 2017ko argitalpenak

1. M. Elitas, N. Dhar, K. Schneider, A. Valero, T. Braschler, J. Mckinney and P. Renaud
Dielectrophoresis as a single cell characterization method for bacteria

2. T. Akyazi, N. Gil-Gonzalez, L. Basabe-Desmonts, E. Castano, M. Morant-Minana and F. Benito-Lopez
Sensors And Actuators B-Chemical 247, 114 (2017)
Manipulation of fluid flow direction in microfluidic paper-based analytical devices with an ionogel negative passive pump
PDF -Manipulation of fluid flow direction in microfluidic paper-based analytical devices with an ionogel negative passive pump This is the author's version of the paper after peer review

3. L. Rojo, I. Castro-Hurtado, G. Mandayo, E. Castano and M. Morant-Minana
Electroanalysis 29, 2358 (2017)
Thin-film Potentiometric Sensor to Detect CO2 Concentrations Ranging Between 2% and 100%
PDF -Thin-film Potentiometric Sensor to Detect CO2 Concentrations Ranging Between 2% and 100% This is the peer reviewed version of thean article which has been published in final form at Electroanalysis.. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving
