Material organiko eta ez-organiko hibridoak ekoizteko metodoa
Material organiko eta ez-organiko hibridoak ekoizteko metodoa
I. Azpitarte and M. Knez

SCIP (Simultaneous Coating and Infiltration Process) is a new processing technology that allows improvement of mechanical properties of polymers and simultaneously adds further functionalities such as ultraviolet (UV) light blocking, etc. It can be directly applied to functionalize various polymers, e.g. textile, thereby opening new perspectives for a product development in the sports/fashion or personal protection sector. The technology allows to improve also further properties, for example wear, and therefore shows high market potential in the automotive sector.
The physical properties of polymers can be significantly altered by blending them with inorganic components. This can be done during the polymerization process, but also by post-processing of already shaped materials, for example through coating by atomic layer deposition (ALD) or hybridizing through vapor phase infiltration (VPI), both of which are beneficial in their own way. SCIP (Simultaneous Coating and Infiltration Process), a new processing technology developed at nanoGUNE, allows distinct control of coating and infiltration in a singular process and optimises mechanical, optical and/or electronic properties of various polymers, including technical polymer fibers such as Kevlar.