nanoGUNE, Euskal Herriko nanozientzia ikerketa kooperatiboko zentroa

Gure misioa nanozientzian bikaintasunezko ikerketa egitea da, Euskal Herriaren hazkunde lehiakorra bultzatzeko helburuarekin.

Nanozientzia oso eskala txikiko zientzia da: nanoeskala, 0,1 eta 100 nanometro artekoa. Nanometro bat milimetro baten milioirena da. Nanoeskalan materiaren portaera oso berezia da, eta hainbat diziplinatako zientzialariek fenomeno horiek guztiak aztertzen dituzte gaur egun.

Gure ikerketak elektroi/espin eta magnetismo fenomenoak, nanoeskalako optika, nanoeskalako materialak eta nanobioingeniaritza ditu ardatz nagusi.


New CRYO Plasma FIB!

CRYO Plasma FIB instrument, a new exciting tool, one of a few in Europe, will integrate and reinforce the Basque Electron Microscopy infrastructure

If you want to be updated on this new piece of equipment, leave your contact information on the CRYO Plasma FIB website. In this way, you will receive all the information related to this microscope and its capabilities.


International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics - OMN 2024

Welcome to OMN 2024 in San Sebastian! 

The International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics is an annual conference that addresses research topics related to optics and photonics at the micro- and nanoscale. Related applications comprise technology areas such as imaging, communication, sensing, and instrumentation, and encompasses sciences such as biology and medicine, chemistry, and fundamental physics.

The conference offers researchers the opportunity to report on their latest findings in the field of Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics and to promote scientific exchange between researchers and engineers from industry and academia.

More info
