Aldizkaria - Small

1. M. Blanco-Rey, R. Castrillo, K. Ali, P. Gargiani, M. Ilyn, M. Gastaldo, M. Paradinas, M. Valbuena, A. Mugarza, J. Ortega, F. Schiller and L. Fernández
Small 20, (2024)
The Role of Rare-Earth Atoms in the Anisotropy and Antiferromagnetic Exchange Coupling at a Hybrid Metal-Organic Interface

2. B. Rivkin, F. Akbar, M. Otto, L. Beyer, B. Paul, K. Kosiba, T. Gustmann, J. Hufenbach and M. Medina-Sanchez
Small 20, 2307742 (2024)
Remotely Controlled Electrochemical Degradation of Metallic Implants

3. E. Río, S. Trivini, J.I. Pascual, V. Cherkez, P. Mallet, J. Veuillen, J. Cuevas and I. Brihuega
Small , 2308439 (2023)
Shaping Graphene Superconductivity with Nanometer Precision

4. A. Dzienia, D. Just, P. Taborowska, A. Mielanczyk, K. Milowska, S. Yorozuya, S. Naka, T. Shiraki and D. Janas
Small 19, (2023)
Mixed-Solvent Engineering as a Way around the Trade-Off between Yield and Purity of (7,3) Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Obtained Using Conjugated Polymer Extraction

5. A. Boschi, A. Kovtun, F. Liscio, Z. Xia, K. Kim, S. Avila, S. De Simone, V. Mussi, C. Barone, S. Pagano, M. Gobbi, P. Samori, M. Affronte, A. Candini, V. Palermo and A. Liscio
Small 19, (2023)
Mesoscopic 3D Charge Transport in Solution-Processed Graphene-Based Thin Films: A Multiscale Analysis

6. Z. Yang, C. Lotze, M. Corso, S. Baum, K. Franke and J.I. Pascual
Small 15, 1804713 (2019)
Direct Imaging of the Induced-Fit Effect in Molecular Self-Assembly

8. Z. Li, A. Lopez-Ortega, A. Aranda-Ramos, J. Luis Tajada, J. Sort, C. Nogues, P. Vavassori, J. Nogues and B. Sepulveda
Small 14, 1800868 (2018)
Simultaneous Local Heating/Thermometry Based on Plasmonic Magnetochromic Nanoheaters

9. A. Roca, I. Golosovsky, E. Winkler, A. Lopez-Ortega, M. Estrader, R. Zysler, M. Dolors Baro and J. Nogues
Small 14, 1703963 (2018)
Unravelling the Elusive Antiferromagnetic Order in Wurtzite and Zinc Blende CoO Polymorph Nanoparticles

10. S. Perumbilavil, A. Lopez-Ortega, G. Tiwari, J. Nogues, T. Endo and R. Philip
Small 14, UNSP 1701001 (2018)
Enhanced Ultrafast Nonlinear Optical Response in Ferrite Core/Shell Nanostructures with Excellent Optical Limiting Performance

11. P. Vavassori, M. Pancaldi, M. Perez-Roldan, A. Chuvilin and A. Berger
Small 12, 1013 (2016)
Remote Magnetomechanical Nanoactuation

12. L. Pietrobon, L. Fallarino, A. Berger, A. Chuvilin, F. Casanova and L. Hueso
Small 11, 6295 (2015)
Weak Delocalization in Graphene on a Ferromagnetic Insulating Film

13. D. Wang, L. Zhang, W. Lee, M. Knez and L. Liu
Small 9, 1025 (2013)
Novel Three-Dimensional Nanoporous Alumina as a Template for Hierarchical TiO2 Nanotube Arrays

14. X. Tong, Y. Qin, X. Guo, O. Moutanabbir, X. Ao, E. Pippel, L. Zhang and M. Knez
Small 8, 3390 (2012)
Enhanced Catalytic Activity for Methanol Electro-oxidation of Uniformly Dispersed Nickel Oxide Nanoparticles-Carbon Nanotube Hybrid Materials

15. J. Chen, P. Albella, Z. Pirzadeh, P. Alonso-Gonzalez, F. Huth, S. Bonetti, V. Bonanni, J. Akerman, J. Nogues, P. Vavassori, A. Dmitriev, J. Aizpurua and R. Hillenbrand
Small 7, 2341 (2011)
Plasmonic Nickel Nanoantennas

16. Y. Williams, A. Sukhanova, M. Nowostawska, A. M Davies, S. Mitchell, V. Oleinikov, Y. Gun'ko, I. Nabiev, D. Kelleher and Y. Volkov
Small 5, 2581 (2009)
Probing Cell-Type-Specific Intracellular Nanoscale Barriers Using Size-Tuned Quantum Dots
