
  • Pauso berri bat konputazio kuantikorantz

    • CIC nanoGUNEko José Ignacio Pascual ikertzaileak atomoen magnetismoa manipulatzeko metodo baten garapenean parte hartu du
    • Magnetismoa ezaugarri erabakigarria da teknologia modernoan eta konputazioan, informazioren metaketan edota erresonantzia magnetiko nuklearrean azaltzen da, besteak beste
    • Lana Nature Physics aldizkari ospetsuan argitaratu da
  • Journal of Optics: Special issue on graphene nanophotonics

    nanoGUNE’s researcher Alexey Nikitin, in collaboration with researchers from the Imperial College (London) and the University of Zaragoza (Spain), has participated as a “guest editor” in the Special Issue on Graphene Nanophotonics published by Journal of Optics. The Special Issue focuses on the emerging Graphene nanophotonics research area, where topics on nanophotonics and the several extraordinary properties of graphene are combined.

  • Magnetization reversal behavior of ferromagnetic thin films and nano-structures

    On Friday 27 September, nanoGUNE’s pre-doctoral researcher Olatz Idigoras received her doctoral Degree at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) with a thesis entitled “Magnetization reversal behavior of ferromagnetic thin films and nano-structures”

  • Proteinen indarra: biologia berri baterantz

    • CIC nanoGUNEko Nanobiomekanika taldea duela 4.000 milioi urte baino gehiagoko proteina berpiztuen bilakaera ikertzen ari da
    • Indar mekanikoek minbizian, birus- eta bakterio infekzioetan, eta miokardioinfartuan inplikatutako proteinetan duten eragina aztertzen dihardu
    • Helburuetako bat da botika berriak garatzen lagundu dezakeen ezagutza berria eskaintzea
  • Lehio bat ikusezinari

    • CIC nanoGUNEko Nanoimaging taldeak atomoak ikusteko eta manipulatzeko gai diren hiru mikroskopio berezi erakutsi ditu
    • Horietako batek, bakarra munduan, aukera ematen du ezaugarri elektronikoak, mekanikoak eta optikoak eskala atomikoan neurtzeko
    • Taldean egiten den ikerketaren helburua da etorkizuneko elektronikaren oinarriak finkatzea
  • 2nd nanoIKER Workshop

    The 2nd nanoIKER Workshop took place at Tecnalia Headquarters in the Science & Technology Park of Bizkaia on June 10, 2013.

  • “Spintronic devices based on fullerene C60”, PhD Thesis defended by Marco Gobbi

    Marco Gobbi, Pre-doctoral researcher at the Nanodevices Group, got his Doctor Degree at the University of The Basque Country (UPV/EHU) after the defense of his thesis project on Friday 24 May 2013. His research work achieved the maximum qualification (cum laude) after the defense and assessment of his work by an international committee that included leading researchers in the field of nanodevices.

  • CIC nanoGUNEk Simune martxan jartzen du, enpresei zuzendutako eskala atomikorako simulazio zerbitzua

    • Simunek enpresei arazo teknologikoak konpontzen lagunduko die denbora eta kostuak aurreztuz
    • nanoGUNEko Teoriako taldeak zerbitzuaren ardura izango du eta hasera batean energia eta elektronika sektoreetara zuzenduko da
  • Raul Perez-Jimenez, new nanoGUNE Nanobiotechnology Group Leader

    Starting on 1 February, Dr. Raul Perez-Jimenez, coming from Columbia University (USA), has taken on his new responsabilities as Ikerbasque Research Professor and Leader of the Nanobiotechnology Group at nanoGUNE.

  • Review on diffusion phenomena in ALD, highlighted by Semiconductor Science and Technology

    Semiconductor Science and Technology has selected Mato Knez’s review on Diffusion phenomena in Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) as a highlight of 2012. The magazine’s annual selection by the Editorial Board “represents the breadth and excellence of the work published in 2012. All articles were selected for their presentation of outstanding research, popularity with their online readership and high praise from referees”.