Research Lines
We are mostly interested in the electronic properties of systems in reduced dimensions.
Our research program is articulated around different research themes: Spintronics, Multifunctional devices and Advanced nanofabrication.
Molecular Devices
We study the fundamental properties of organic molecules integrated into electronic devices.

We study the fundamental properties of organic molecules integrated into electronic devices.
Metal Spintronics
We create, transport and manipulate pure spin currents in metals and metal/insulator hybrids as an alternative to conventional electronics.

We create, transport and manipulate pure spin currents in metals and metal/insulator hybrids as an alternative to conventional electronics.
2D Spintronics
We use two-dimensional (2D) layered materials as building blocks for novel spintronic and (opto-)electronic devices.

We use two-dimensional (2D) layered materials as building blocks for novel spintronic and (opto-)electronic devices.
We use state-of-the-art techniques to build devices that allow us to explore the world at the nanometre scale.

We use state-of-the-art techniques to build devices that allow us to explore the world at the nanometre scale.
2D electronics
We use two-dimensional layered materials (such as graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides) as building blocks for novel (opto-) electronic devices.

We use two-dimensional layered materials (such as graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides) as building blocks for novel (opto-) electronic devices.
Nanodevices Equipment
The nanodevices group has access to nanoGUNE's common cleanroom equipment devoted to nanofabrication. In adittion, we have some equipment specially dedicated to our research lines.
Nanodispositivos news
Scientists synthesize 2D polyaniline crystal with unique metallic out-of-plane conductivity
In a recent study published in Nature, an international team of researchers in which nanoGUNE scientists participate has developed a groundbreaking two-dimensional conducting polymer—polyaniline (2DPANI)—that exhibits exceptional electrical conductivity and metallic charge transport behavior. Unlike conventional...Read more