Revista - Advanced Materials Interfaces
1. K. Ashurbekova and M. Knez
Advanced Materials Interfaces , (2024)
Atomic Layer Processing (ALP): Ubi es et Quo Vadis?
2. M. Sharma, G. Avedissian, W. Skowronski, J. Jo, A. Chuvilin, F. Casanova, M. Gobbi and L. Hueso
Advanced Materials Interfaces , (2024)
Gate-Tunable Exchange Bias and Volage-Controlled Magnetization Switching in a van der Waals Ferromagnet
3. A. Blacha, K. Milowska, M. Payne, H. Greer, A. Terzyk, E. Korczeniewski, A. Cyganiuk and S. Boncel
Advanced Materials Interfaces 10, (2023)
The Origin of Amphipathic Nature of Short and Thin Pristine Carbon Nanotubes-Fully Recyclable 1D Water-in-Oil Emulsion Stabilizers
4. S. Martin-Rio, C. Frontera, J. Gomez-Perez, M. Aguilar-Pujol, S. Catalano, J. Gazquez, F. Casanova, L. Balcells, A. Pomar and B. Martinez
Advanced Materials Interfaces 9, 2201171 (2022)
Interfacial Magnetic Features of La2CoMnO6/Pt Bilayers Studied by Using Spin Hall Magnetoresistance
5. C. Maccato, L. Bigiani, L. Girardi, A. Gasparotto, O. Lebedev, E. Modin, D. Barreca and G. Rizzi
Advanced Materials Interfaces 8, 2100763 (2021)
Plasma-Assisted Synthesis of Co3O4-Based Electrocatalysts on Ni Foam Substrates for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction
6. Y. Chen, X. Shen, U. Carmona, F. Yang, X. Gao, M. Knez, L. Zhang and Y. Qin
Advanced Materials Interfaces 8, 2100086 (2021)
Control of Stepwise Hg2+ Reduction on Gold to Selectively Tune its Peroxidase and Catalase-Like Activities and the Mechanism
This is the peer reviewed version of thean article which has been published in final form at Advanced Materials Interfaces. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving
7. X. Mu, W. Wang, C. Sun, J. Wang, C. Wang and M. Knez
Advanced Materials Interfaces 8, 2002151 (2021)
Recent Progress on Conductive Metal-Organic Framework Films
This is the peer reviewed version of thean article which has been published in final form at Advanced Materials Interfaces. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving
8. A. Rodriguez-Abetxuko, D. Sanchez-deAlcazar, A. Cortajarena and A. Beloqui
Advanced Materials Interfaces 6, 1900598 (2019)
A Versatile Approach for the Assembly of Highly Tunable Biocatalytic Thin Films
9. J. Fontcuberta, H. Vasili, J. Gazquez and F. Casanova
Advanced Materials Interfaces 6, 1900475 (2019)
On the Role of Interfaces on Spin Transport in Magnetic Insulator/Normal Metal Heterostructures
10. F. Yang, J. Brede, H. Ablat, M. Abadia, L. Zhang, C. Rogero, S. Elliott and M. Knez
Advanced Materials Interfaces 4, 1700237 (2017)
Reversible and Irreversible Reactions of Trimethylaluminum with Common Organic Functional Groups as a Model for Molecular Layer Deposition and Vapor Phase Infiltration
This is the peer reviewed version of thean article which has been published in final form at Advanced Materials Interfaces. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving
11. W. Wang, F. Yang, C. Chen, L. Zhang, Y. Qin and M. Knez
Advanced Materials Interfaces 4, 1600806 (2017)
Tuning the Conductivity of Polyaniline through Doping by Means of Single Precursor Vapor Phase Infiltration
This is the peer reviewed version of thean article which has been published in final form at Advanced Materials Interfaces. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving