Azken albisteak

  • Euskadiren etorkizun digitalari buruzko topaketa

    CIC nanoGUNEk BRTAk antolatutako topaketa batean parte hartu du, teknologia digitalen egungo egoera aztertzeko eta Euskadirentzat eta Europarentzat estrategia argiak ezartzeko arlo honetan. Fèlix Casanova eta Fernando González-Zalba ikertzaileek mahai-inguru batean parte hartu dute,…

  • Spin-propietate ezezagunak aurkitu dituzte material artifizial berrietan

    CIC nanoGUNEko Nanogailuen taldeak deskubritu du bira “magiko” batek propietate spintroniko emergenteak ematen dizkiela material batzuei. Nature Materials aldizkarian argitaratu da lana, eta bide berriak ireki ditu etorkizuneko elektronikako gailu berriak garatzeko.

  • María Barrak Nanolito saria jaso du bere Doktoretza Tesiagatik

    Espainiako Nanolitografia Sareak Nanolito saria eman dio nanoGUNEko María Barra ikertzaileari bere tesiarengatik, Micro and Nano Fabrication of Structures for Light-Matter Interaction izenburuarekin.

  • Electrical control of magnetism by electric field and current-induced torques

    In a recent review article published in Reviews of Modern Physics, Fèlix Casanova from the Nanodevices group at CIC nanoGUNE, Prof. Albert Fert, Nobel Prize in Physics, and his colleagues review the state of the art of electrical control of magnetism and give scientific and technological future persperctives.

  • The building block for magnetoelectric spin-orbit logic

    In a recent article published in Nature Communications an international team, led by researchers from the Nanodevices group at CIC nanoGUNE, suceeded in voltage-based magnetization switching and reading of magnetoelectric spin-orbit nanodevices. This study constitutes aproof of principle of these nanodevices, which…

  • CIC nanoGUNE obtains three Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship projects

    The Cooperative Research Center nanoGUNE has achieved three Marie-Sklodowska Curie Individual Fellowship projects in the 2023 call, obtaining 624.071,52€ in total. The objective of this European programme is to support the education and the professional development of postdoctoral researchers by offering them a…

  • Nanodevices group hosts Interfast and Sinfonia project meetings

    Nanodevices group, lead by Luis Hueso, has hosted the INTERFAST and SINFONIA project meetings from 25 to 27 October 2023. NanoGUNE, with other European national institutes is a partner of both projects.

  • Fèlix Casanovak Ikertzaile Nabarmenenaren Intel Saria jaso du bigarren aldiz

    Fèlix Casanova Ikerbasque ikertzaileak —nanoGUNEko Nanogailuak taldeko liderretako bat— Ikertzaile Nabarmenenaren Intel Saria 2022 jaso du MESO teknologiari egin dizkion ekarpenengatik. Teknologia horrek etorkizuneko konputazioaren beharretara egokitzeko beharko diren eskakizunak izan ditu kontuan hasieratik…

  • CIC nanoGUNE joins the Basque Microelectronics Hub – BMH

    NanoGUNE has joined the Basque Microelectronics Hub (BMH) as a key player in the basque electronics industry to transfer our knowledge to the closest industrial fabric, in order to support the advances the sector requires in the Basque Country.

  • Francesco Calavalle, winner of the GEFES award for best experimental thesis

    The researcher Francesco Calavalle has been awarded the prize for best experimental PhD thesis by the Condensed Matter Physics Division (GEFES) of the Spanish Royal Physics Society (RSEF). The thesis “Probing and tuning the properties of van der Waals materials“ was worked on at CIC nanoGUNE, under the supervision…

  • Ireki da udako praktika programan izena emateko epea

    NanoGUNEko ikertzaileekin batera 2 hilabetez ikerketa-proiektu errealetan aritzeko aukera izango dute unibertsitateko ikasleek. 2023ko otsailaren 12ra arteko epea dago eskaerak bidaltzeko.

  • Magnet-free chiral nanowires for spintronic devices

    Researchers from the Basque Nanoscience Research Center CIC nanoGUNE (San Sebastian, Spain), in collaboration with POLYMAT (San Sebastian, Spain), the Institute of Physics of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and the Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics (both in Halle, Germany) demonstrate the…

  • Spin Control Without Magnetic Fields

    Researchers from the Nanodevices Group at CIC nanoGUNE demonstrate that they can control the polarization direction of a spin current without having to apply a magnetic field, which could aid in implementing energy-efficient spintronics devices. The work has been published in Physical Review Letters.

  • Fèlix Casanovak 2020ko Ikertzaile Nabarmenaren Intel Saria jaso du

    Fèlix Casanova NanoGUNEko Nanogailuak taldeko buruak eta Ikerbasque ikertzaileak 2020ko Ikertzaile Nabarmenaren Intel Saria jaso berri du, MESO teknologian egindako ekarpenengatik. Teknologia horrek etorkizuneko gailu elektronikoen beharrei erantzuten die.

  • CIC nanoGUNEk 1,5 milioi euro jasoko ditu Europako Batzordetik

    CIC nanoGUNEko hiru ikerketa-proiektu hautatu dituzte Europako FET Open deialdian (Future and Emerging Technologies). FET Open ekimenen helburua da lankidetzan egindako arrisku handiko ikerketa zientifiko eta teknikoko proiektu handiak indartzea. Teknologia berriak sortzeko proiektuak dira.

  • CIC nanoGUNEk koordinatutako proiektu batek 4 milioi euro inguru jaso ditu Europako Batzordetik

    CIC nanoGUNEk SPEAR proiektua koordinatzen du. Proiektu horren bidez, hurrengo belaunaldirako konputaziorako memorien eta prozesadoreen material berriak aztertu nahi dira, Europako bost erakunde akademikorekin (CEA-Frantzia, ETH Zurich-Suitza, IMEC-Belgika, U. Hanburg-Alemania, Martin Luther University Halle-…

  • Low-power spin detection in non-magnetic systems

    A team of researchers from Université Grenoble Alpes - CNRS - Spintec, Unité Mixte de Physique CNRS-Thales, and Université d'Evry, and also including Dr. Diogo. C Vaz, currently at CIC nanoGUNE, reports on an alternative strategy to achieve low-power spin detection in a non-magnetic system. The results have now…

  • CIC nanoGUNEk eta INTELek MESO teknologia errealitatetik hurbilago jarri dute

    CIC nanoGUNE nanozientziako euskal zentroak eta Intel multinazionalak, zirkuitu integratuen munduko fabrikatzaile handienak, gogor lan egiten dute azken urte eta erdian, etorkizuneko gailu elektronikoetara begira dagoen teknologia batean: MESO teknologia. Teknologia horrek logika eta memoria zirkuitu berean…

  • PhD thesis by Juan Manuel Gomez: Spin-transport in magnetic insulator/heavy metal heterostructures

    Juan Manuel Gomez, Pre-doctoral Researcher at the Nanodevices group at nanoGUNE, received his PhD at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) after the defense of his thesis project at the beginning of 2020. His research work, entitled “Spin-transport in magnetic insulator/heavy metal heterostructures" …

  • nanoGUNE PhD Workshop 2020

    The PhD researchers of nanoGUNE have organized a one-day event to celebrate the 11th anniversary of nanoGUNE. The workshop has consisted of three sessions: Spin-off inside and outside of nanoGUNE, Escape the lab, and a poster session.

  • Unibertsitateko ikasleek udako praktikak egiteko deialdi berria egin du CIC nanoGUNEk

    CIC nanoGUNEk Udako Praktika Programan parte hartzeko urteroko deialdia zabaldu berri du; aukera paregabea eskaintzen die unibertsitateko ikasleei, punta-puntako ikerketa-zentro bateko jarduera bertatik bertara ezagutzeko.

  • Edurne Sagasta, tesi esperimental onenaren GEFES 2019 saria

    Tesi esperimental onenaren saria jaso du Edurne Sagasta Ikertzaileak, Espainiako Fisikako Errege Elkarteko (RSEF) Materia Kondentsatuaren Fisikako Dibisioaren (GEFES) eskutik. Tesiaren izenburua Spin-to-charge current conversion in systems with spin-coupling da eta CIC nanoGUNEn egin zuen.

  • UPV/EHUko, Tecnuneko, UABko eta UBko ikasleek udako praktikak CIC nanoGUNEn egingo dituzte

  • Apply for a Basque PhD grant with nanoGUNE

    NanoGUNE, located at the Ibaeta Campus of the UPV/EHU in Donostia – San Sebastián, offers PhD opportunities to graduates in Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Biology, and related areas to get their PhD degree.

  • Argia “hankaz gora” jarri du euskal ikertzaile-talde batek

    CIC nanoGUNEko ikertzaile batzuek, Donostia International Physics Centerrekin (DIPC) eta Kansas Estatuko Unibertsitatearekin (AEB) lankidetzan, “metagainazal hiperboliko” izeneko gainazalaren garapena argitaratu dute Science aldizkari ospetsuan. Gainazal horretatik, argi-uhinak forma erabat…

  • Gazte ikertzaileak trebatzeko Europako bi proiektutan hartuko du parte CIC nanoGUNEk

    2018ko urtarriletik aurrera, elektronika kuantikoko eta estaldura hibridoetako bi proiektu berritan hartuko du parte nanoGUNEk, Europako programa lehiakorrenetako batean: Europar Batasuneko Trebakuntza Sareak, Initial Training Networks (ITN). Horri esker, ia milioi-erdi euro jasoko ditu zentroak, proiektu…

  • Elektrodo magnetikoek handitu egiten dute eguzki-zelulen eraginkortasuna

    Kontaktuen magnetismoari esker % 14 eraginkorragoa den gailu fotovoltaiko bat garatu dute CIC nanoGUNEko ikertzaileek. Gailua, halaber, gai da zuzenean korronte alternoa sortzeko.

  • Molecular spintronics in Nature Materials

    Materials for second-generation information and communication technology applications should be as small and as fast as possible. It is precisely these kind of materials that Ikerbasque Prof. Luis Hueso, head of the Nanodevices Group at nanoGUNE is seeking for, together with his colleagues Mirko Cinchetti  (TU…

  • ERC Proof of Concept Luis Huesorentzat

    Europako Batzordeak 150.000 euroko hornidura eman dio CIC nanoGUNEko Nanogailuen taldeari, ERC Proof of Concept programaren bidez. Programaren helburua da Europako Ikerketa Kontseiluak (ERC) finantzatutako abangoardiako ikerketa-proiektuetan sortutako ideien ahalmen berritzailea praktikara ekartzea. NanoGUNEko…

  • Udako Praktika Programa: Deialdia zabalik otsailaren 5-a arte

    Udan praktikak egin nahi? Aukera bikaina daukagu zuretzat!

  • Grafenozko plasmoien detekzio elektrikoa terahertzen maiztasunetan

    Fotokorronteak nanoeskalan behatzeko teknika berri bat garatu du ikerketzaile-talde batek, eta grafenozko fotodetektagailu batean ikaragarri konprimatuta dauden uhin elektromagnetikoak (plasmoiak) terahertzen maiztasunetan behatzeko erabili dute. Plasmoiek uhin-luzera izugarri motza izateak, batetik, eta eremu oso…

  • Coexistence of superconductivity and charge density waves observed

    Scientists at Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, BESSY II Synchrotron and nanoGUNE have discovered that an artificial structure composed of alternating layers of ferromagnetic and superconducting materials induce Charge Density Waves deeply into the superconducting regions, indicating new ways to…

  • Spin injection in two-dimensional layered materials, PhD thesis by Oihana Txoperena

    Oihana Txoperena, Pre-doctoral Researcher at the Nanodevices Group at CIC nanoGUNE, received her PhD at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) after the defense of her thesis project on 8th April 2016. Her research work, entitled “Spin injection in two-dimensional layered materials", has been developed…

  • A new magnetoresistance effect occurring in materials with strong spin-orbit coupling

    Researchers of the Nanodevices group, in collaboration with groups from the CFM and DIPC, both institutions also located in Donostia-San Sebastián, have discovered a new magnetoresistance effect occurring in materials with strong spin-orbit coupling. This new effect has been recently reported in the prestigious…

  • Argia moteltzen nanoeskalan

    Hutsean, abiadura berean mugitzen da beti argia, segundoko 300 milioi metro baino gutxixeagoan. Ingurunez aldatuz gero, ordea, abiadura ere aldatu egin daiteke. "Hiperbolikoak" deritzen material oso berezi batzuetan argia nola hedatzen den ikertu dute CIC nanoGUNEn (zehazki, boro nitruroko geruza oso fin batzuetan…

  • Nanogailuen taldeak EBaren 2D-INK FET Open proiektuan hartuko du parte

    2D-INK proiektuak, POLYMAT-UPV/EHUko Material Molekularren eta Supramolekularren Taldeak koordinatutako proiektuak, Europar Batasunaren 2.962.661 € jasoko ditu. Proiektu honek helburu du propietate erdieroaleak dituzten tintak garatzea -gailu elektronikoek funtziona dezaten beharrezko propietatea- grafenotik…

  • Charge and spin transport in graphene devices, PhD Thesis by Luca Pietrobon

    Luca Pietrobon, Pre-doctoral Researcher at the Nanodevices Group at nanoGUNE, receives his PhD at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) after the defense of his thesis project on Friday 5 June 2015. His research work, entitled “Charge and spin transport in graphene devices", has been developed under…

  • NanoGUNE bekak: master ikasleentzako deialdia zabaldu da

    UPV/EHUko Nanozientzia eta Material Berrien Masterren titulazioetako ikasleei zuzendutako 4 beka eskaintzen ditu nanoGUNEk, ikerketa zentroko taldeen baitan master tesia egin nahi duten ikasleei zuzenduta.

  • Estitxu Villamor CIC nanoGUNEko ikertzaileak aipamen berezia lortu du CAF-Elhuyar sarietan

    NanoGUNEko Nanogailuen taldean doktorego tesia egin duen Estitxu Villamor ikertzaileak aipamen bereziaren diploma jaso du CAF-Elhuyar sarietan. Sari horien helburuak dira zientzia eta teknologiaren arloko gaien eta ikerketen euskarazko dibulgazioa, kazetaritza eta gizarteratzea bultzatzea, saritzea eta aitortzea.…

  • “Nanostructuring of Devices for Nanoscience Applications”, PhD Thesis by Libe Arzubiaga

    Libe Arzubiaga, Pre-doctoral Researcher at the Nanodevices Group at nanoGUNE, receives her PhD at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) after the defense of her thesis project on Monday 16 March 2015. Her research work, entitled “Nanostructuring of Devices for Nanoscience Applications”, has been developed…

  • Marco Gobbik Tesi Esperimental Onenaren saria irabazi du

    Marco Gobbik GEFESen Tesi Esperimental Onenaren saria irabazi du. GEFES (Egoera Solidoko Fisikan Espezializatutako Taldea), Espainiako Fisikarako Errege Elkarte barruko taldea da. Gobbi nanoGUNEko Nanogailuen taldeko doktoretza-aurreko ikertzaile ohia da, eta bertan aurkeztu zuen 2013an “C60 fullerenoan…

  • "Injection, Transport, and Manipulation of Pure Spin Currents in Metallic Lateral Spin Valves", PhD Thesis by Estitxu Villamor Lomas

    Estitxu Villamor, Pre-doctoral Researcher at the Nanodevices Group at nanoGUNE, receives her PhD at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) after the defense of her thesis project on Monday 15 December 2014. Her research work, entitled “Injection, Transport, and Manipulation of Pure Spin Currents in Metallic…

  • Grafeno-plasmoiak, argi-izpi bat belaunaldi berriko gailuetarako

    Antenetan oinarritutako plataforma teknologiko bat garatu dute CIC nanoGUNEko ikertzaileek, grafenoan zehar hedatzen den argia abiarazi eta kontrolatzeko aukera ematen duena. Aurkikuntza horrek bidea emango du gailu eta zirkuitu fotoniko oso miniaturizatuak egiteko. Frogatu dute grafenoan (zeina karbono…
  • "Polythiophene-based nanoscale lateral devices", PhD thesis by Thales V. A. G. de Oliveira

    Thales de Oliveira, Pre-doctoral Researcher at the Self-Assembly Group at nanoGUNE, received his PhD at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) after the defense of his thesis project on Friday 23 May 2014. His research work, entitled “Polythiophene-based nanoscale lateral devices”, has been developed under…

  • "Resistive switching in Hafnium oxide", PhD thesis by Raul Zazpe

    Raul Zazpe, Pre-doctoral Researcher at the Nanodevices Group at nanoGUNE, received his PhD at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) after the defense of his thesis project on Wednesday 30 April 2014. His research work, entitled “Resistive switching in Hafnium oxide”, has been developed under the…

  • “Spintronic devices based on fullerene C60”, PhD Thesis defended by Marco Gobbi

    Marco Gobbi, Pre-doctoral researcher at the Nanodevices Group, got his Doctor Degree at the University of The Basque Country (UPV/EHU) after the defense of his thesis project on Friday 24 May 2013. His research work achieved the maximum qualification (cum laude) after the defense and assessment of his work by an…

  • New technology in the magnetic cooling of chips

    A team of CIC nanoGUNE researchers has participated in the development of a new technology that will enable the environmental impact to be minimized. The work has been published in the prestigious journal Nature Materials.

  • Nature Communications: Resolving the electromagnetic mechanism of surface-enhanced light scattering at single hot spots

    In a recent article (P. Alonso-González, et al., Nat. Commun. 3, 684) researchers from the nanooptics and the nanodevices groups at nanoGUNE provide experimental evidence that the intensity elastically scattered off the object scales with the fourth power of the local field enhancement provided by the antenna, and…

  • NanoGUNE awarded in the Raith Micrograph Award 2011

    The micrograph of a lateral spin valve with integrated dielectric mask, which was obtained by the Ph.D. student Thales de Oliveira from the Self-Assembly Group, has been awarded the second prize of the Raith Micrograph Award 2011. Raith is one of the world-leading suppliers of innovative solutions for…

  • Nature Photonics: Transmission Lines for Nanofocusing of Infrared Light

    A joint cooperation between three research groups at nanoGUNE reports an innovative method to focus infrared light with tapered transmission lines to nanometer-size dimensions. This device could trigger the development of novel chemical and biological sensing tools, including ultra-small infrared spectrometers and…

  • Nanodevices Group in Nature Physics

    Luis Hueso, leader of the nanodevies group at nanoGUNE, has collaborated in a research project on organic spintronics led by CNRS/Thales. The most recent results of this collaboration have been published in Nature Physics in June 2010 in the article Unravelling the role of the interface for spin injection into…


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