Nanodevices - Revista - Science

1. P. Li, I. Dolado, F. Javier Alfaro-Mozaz, F. Casanova, L. Hueso, S. Liu, J. Edgar, A. Nikitin, S. Velez and R. Hillenbrand
Science 359, 892 (2018)
Infrared hyperbolic metasurface based on nanostructured van der Waals materials
PDF -Infrared hyperbolic metasurface based on nanostructured van der Waals materials This is the author's version of the paper after peer review

2. X. Sun, S. Velez, A. Atxabal, A. Bedoya-Pinto, S. Parui, X. Zhu, R. Llopis, F. Casanova and L. Hueso
Science 357, 677 (2017)
A molecular spin-photovoltaic device

3. P. Alonso-Gonzalez, A. Nikitin, F. Golmar, A. Centeno, A. Pesquera, S. Velez, J. Chen, G. Navickaite, F. Koppens, A. Zurutuza, F. Casanova, L. Hueso and R. Hillenbrand
Science 344, 1369 (2014)
Controlling graphene plasmons with resonant metal antennas and spatial conductivity patterns
