Nanodevices - Revista - Nano Letters

1. A. Nikitin, R. Hillenbrand, A. Bylinkin, F. Calavalle, M. Barra-Burillo, R. Kirtaev, E. Nikulina, E. Modin, E. Janzen, J. Edgar, F. Casanova, L. Hueso, V. Volkov, P. Vavassori, I. Aharonovich and P. Alonso-Gonzalez
Nano Letters 23, 3985 (2023)
Dual-Band Coupling of Phonon and Surface Plasmon Polaritons with Vibrational and Electronic Excitations in Molecules

2. H. Yang, M. Ormaza, Z. Chi, E. Dolan, J. Ingla-Aynes, C. Safeer, F. Herling, N. Ontoso, M. Gobbi, B. Martin-Garcia, F. Schiller, L. Hueso and F. Casanova
Nano Letters 23, 4406 (2023)
Gate-Tunable Spin Hall Effect in an All-Light-Element Heterostructure: Graphene with Copper Oxide
PDF -Gate-Tunable Spin Hall Effect in an All-Light-Element Heterostructure: Graphene with Copper Oxide This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Nano Letters, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher.

3. W. Choi, I. Arango, V. Pham, D. Vaz, H. Yang, I. Groen, C. Lin, E. Kabir, K. Oguz, P. Debashis, J. Plombon, H. Li, D. Nikonov, A. Chuvilin, L. Hueso, I. Young and F. Casanova
Nano Letters , (2022)
All-Electrical Spin-to-Charge Conversion in Sputtered BixSe1-x

4. W. Yan, A. Akimov, M. Barra-Burillo, M. Bayer, J. Bradford, V. Gusev, L. Hueso, A. Kent, S. Kukhtaruk, A. Nadzeyka, A. Patane, A. Rushforth, A. Scherbakov, D. Yaremkevich and T. Linnik
Nano Letters 22, 6509 (2022)
Coherent Phononics of van der Waals Layers on Nanogratings

5. D. Spirito, M. Barra-Burillo, F. Calavalle, C. Manganelli, M. Gobbi, R. Hillenbrand, F. Casanova, L. Hueso and B. Martin-Garcia
Nano Letters 22, 4153 (2022)
Tailoring Photoluminescence by Strain-Engineering in Layered Perovskite Flakes br
PDF -Tailoring Photoluminescence by Strain-Engineering in Layered Perovskite Flakes br This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Nano Letters, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher.

6. F. Alfaro-Mozaz, S. Rodrigo, S. Velez, I. Dolado, A. Govyadinov, P. Alonso-Gonzalez, F. Casanova, L. Hueso, L. Martin-Moreno, R. Hillenbrand and A. Nikitin
Nano Letters 21, 7109 (2021)
Hyperspectral Nanoimaging of van der Waals Polaritonic Crystals

7. F. Calavalle, P. Dreher, A. Surdendran, W. Wan, M. Timpel, R. Verucchi, C. Rogero, T. Bauch, F. Lombardi, F. Casanova, M. Nardi, M. Ugeda, L. Hueso and M. Gobbi
Nano Letters 21, 136 (2021)
Tailoring Superconductivity in Large-Area Single-Layer NbSe2 via Self-Assembled Molecular Adlayers
PDF -Tailoring Superconductivity in Large-Area Single-Layer NbSe2 via Self-Assembled Molecular Adlayers This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Nano Letters, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher.

8. J. Gomez-Perez, X. Zhang, F. Calavalle, M. Ilyn, C. Gonzalez-Orellana, M. Gobbi, C. Rogero, A. Chuvilin, V. Golovach, L. Hueso, F. Sebastian Bergeret and F. Casanova
Nano Letters 20, 6815 (2020)
Strong Interfacial Exchange Field in a Heavy Metal/Ferromagnetic Insulator System Determined by Spin Hall Magnetoresistance
PDF -Strong Interfacial Exchange Field in a Heavy Metal/Ferromagnetic Insulator System Determined by Spin Hall Magnetoresistance This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Nano Letters, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher.

9. C. Safeer, J. Ingla-Aynes, N. Ontoso, F. Herling, W. Yan, L. Hueso and F. Casanova
Nano Letters 20, 4573 (2020)
Spin Hall Effect in Bilayer Graphene Combined with an Insulator up to Room Temperature
PDF -Spin Hall Effect in Bilayer Graphene Combined with an Insulator up to Room Temperature This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Nano Letters, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher.

10. C. Safeer, N. Ontoso, J. Ingla-Aynes, F. Herling, V. Pham, A. Kurzmann, K. Ensslin, A. Chuvilin, I. Robredo, M. Vergniory, F. de Juan, L. Hueso, M. Calvo and F. Casanova
Nano Letters 19, 8758 (2019)
Large Multidirectional Spin-to-Charge Conversion in Low-Symmetry Semimetal MoTe2 at Room Temperature

11. C. Safeer, J. Ingla-Aynes, F. Herling, J. Garcia, M. Vila, N. Ontoso, M. Reyes Calvo, S. Roche, L. Hueso and F. Casanova
Nano Letters 19, 1074 (2019)
Room-Temperature Spin Hall Effect in Graphene/MoS2 van der Waals Heterostructures
PDF -Room-Temperature Spin Hall Effect in Graphene/MoS2 van der Waals Heterostructures This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Nano Letters, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher.

12. P. Li, I. Dolado, F.J. Alfaro-Mozaz, A. Nikitin, F. Casanova, L. Hueso, S. Velez and R. Hillenbrand
Nano Letters 17, 228 (2017)
Optical Nanoimaging of Hyperbolic Surface Polaritons at the Edges of van der Waals Materials
PDF -Optical Nanoimaging of Hyperbolic Surface Polaritons at the Edges of van der Waals Materials This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Nano Letters, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher.

13. P. Alonso-Gonzalez, M. Schnell, P. Sarriugarte, H. Sobhani, C. Wu, N. Arju, A. Khanikaev, F. Golmar, P. Albella, L. Arzubiaga, F. Casanova, L. Hueso, P. Nordlander, G. Shvets and R. Hillenbrand
Nano Letters 11, 3922 (2011)
Real-Space Mapping of Fano Interference in Plasmonic Metamolecules
