Revista - Small Methods
1. K. Bejtka, M. Fontana, C. Gho, S. Merkens, A. Chuvilin, C. Pirri and A. Chiodoni
Small Methods , (2024)
Electrochemical Liquid Phase TEM in Aqueous Electrolytes for Energy Applications: the Role of Liquid Flow Configuration
2. J. Etxebarria-Elezgarai, L. Bergamini, E. Lopez, M. Morant-Minana, J. Adam, N. Zabala, J. Aizpurua and A. Seifert
Small Methods 8, 2301445 (2024)
Amplifying Sensing Capabilities: Combining Plasmonic Resonances and Fresnel Reflections through Multivariate Analysis
3. M. Charconnet, M. Korsa, S. Petersen, J. Plou, C. Hanske, J. Adam and A. Seifert
Small Methods 7, (2023)
Generalization of Self-Assembly Toward Differently Shaped Colloidal Nanoparticles for Plasmonic Superlattices
4. L. Tesi, D. Bloos, M. Hrton, A. Benes, M. Hentschel, M. Kern, A. Leavesley, R. Hillenbrand, V. Krapek, T. Sikola and J. van Slageren
Small Methods 5, 2100376 (2021)
Plasmonic Metasurface Resonators to Enhance Terahertz Magnetic Fields for High-Frequency Electron Paramagnetic Resonance
5. M. Charconnet, C. Kuttner, J. Plou, J. Garcia-Pomar, A. Mihi, L. Liz-Marzan and A. Seifert
Small Methods 5, 2100453 (2021)
Mechanically Tunable Lattice-Plasmon Resonances by Templated Self-Assembled Superlattices for Multi-Wavelength Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy