Revista - IEEE Transactions on Magnetics

1. A. Roman, J. Gomez, A. Butera, P. Vavassori and L. Steren
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 60, 4300105 (2024)
Magnetization Reversal and Direct Observation of Magnetic Domains on FePt Thin Films

2. R. Puttock, H. Corte-Leon, V. Neu, D. Cox, A. Manzin, V. Antonov, P. Vavassori and O. Kazakova
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 53, 6500805 (2017)
V-Shaped Domain Wall Probes for Calibrated Magnetic Force Microscopy
PDF -V-Shaped Domain Wall Probes for Calibrated Magnetic Force Microscopy This is the author's version of the paper after peer review - IEEE Copyright - Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.

3. F. Saccone, P. Vavassori and A. Berger
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 49, 4542 (2013)
Structural and Magnetic Properties of Multilayered TiO2/FM/TiO2/FM/CoFe2O4 (FM: Fe or Py) Films Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition

4. K. L. Salcedo-Rodriguez, F. Golmar and C. E. Rodriguez-Torres
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 49, 4559 (2013)
Magnetic Properties of Zn-Ferrites Obtained From Multilayer Film Deposited by Sputtering
