Nanomagnetism - Revista - Small
1. R. Ichikawa, A. Roca, A. Lopez-Ortega, M. Estrader, I. Peral, X. Turrillas and J. Nogues
Small 14, 1800804 (2018)
Combining X-Ray Whole Powder Pattern Modeling, Rietveld and Pair Distribution Function Analyses as a Novel Bulk Approach to Study Interfaces in Heteronanostructures: Oxidation Front in FeO/Fe3O4 Core/Shell Nanoparticles as a Case Study
2. Z. Li, A. Lopez-Ortega, A. Aranda-Ramos, J. Luis Tajada, J. Sort, C. Nogues, P. Vavassori, J. Nogues and B. Sepulveda
Small 14, 1800868 (2018)
Simultaneous Local Heating/Thermometry Based on Plasmonic Magnetochromic Nanoheaters
3. A. Roca, I. Golosovsky, E. Winkler, A. Lopez-Ortega, M. Estrader, R. Zysler, M. Dolors Baro and J. Nogues
Small 14, 1703963 (2018)
Unravelling the Elusive Antiferromagnetic Order in Wurtzite and Zinc Blende CoO Polymorph Nanoparticles
4. S. Perumbilavil, A. Lopez-Ortega, G. Tiwari, J. Nogues, T. Endo and R. Philip
Small 14, UNSP 1701001 (2018)
Enhanced Ultrafast Nonlinear Optical Response in Ferrite Core/Shell Nanostructures with Excellent Optical Limiting Performance
5. P. Vavassori, M. Pancaldi, M. Perez-Roldan, A. Chuvilin and A. Berger
Small 12, 1013 (2016)
Remote Magnetomechanical Nanoactuation
6. L. Pietrobon, L. Fallarino, A. Berger, A. Chuvilin, F. Casanova and L. Hueso
Small 11, 6295 (2015)
Weak Delocalization in Graphene on a Ferromagnetic Insulating Film
7. J. Chen, P. Albella, Z. Pirzadeh, P. Alonso-Gonzalez, F. Huth, S. Bonetti, V. Bonanni, J. Akerman, J. Nogues, P. Vavassori, A. Dmitriev, J. Aizpurua and R. Hillenbrand
Small 7, 2341 (2011)
Plasmonic Nickel Nanoantennas