Revista - Advanced Functional Materials

1. D. Tezze, J. Pereira, D. Tutar, M. Ramos, J. Regner, P. Gargiani, F. Schiller, F. Casanova, A. Alegria, B. Martín-García, H. Sahin, Z. Sofer, M. Ormaza, L. Hueso and M. Gobbi
Advanced Functional Materials , (2024)
Tunable Magnetism in 2D Organic-Ion-Intercalated MnPS3 via Molecule-Dependent Vacancy Generation

2. M. Moreira, A. Pires, S. Ferreira-Teixeira, O. Iurkevich, R. Vilarinho, E. Castro and A. Pereira
Advanced Functional Materials 34, (2024)
Promoting Surface Conduction through Scalable Structure Engineering of Flexible Topological Insulator Thin Films

3. V. Sousa, M. Goto, M. Claro, S. Pyrlin, L. Marques, E. Modin, O. Lebedev, S. Alizadeh, C. Freitas, E. Vieira, K. Kovnir, P. Alpuim, T. Mori and Y. Kolen'ko
Advanced Functional Materials 34, (2024)
PbSe Quantum Dot Superlattice Thin Films for Thermoelectric Applications

4. M. Gadea, A. Asaithambi, R. Bernabeu-Cabanero, A. Farrando-Perez, M. Ramos, J. Sancho-Garcia, I. Kriegel, M. Diaz-Garcia and M. Calvo
Advanced Functional Materials 34, 2401896 (2024)
Enhancing Single-Layer WSe2 Light Emission in Perylene-Doped Polymer Films through Efficient Energy Transfer

5. H. Yang, Z. Chi, G. Avedissian, E. Dolan, M. Karuppasamy, B. Martin-Garcia, M. Gobbi, Z. Sofer, L. Hueso and F. Casanova
Advanced Functional Materials 2404872, (2024)
Gate-Tunable Spin Hall Effect in Trilayer Graphene/Group-IV Monochalcogenide van der Waals Heterostructures

6. A. Rodriguez-Abetxuko, E. Romero-Ben, A. Ontoria, M. Heredero, B. Martín-García, K. Kumar, S. Martín-Saldaña, F. Conzuelo and A. Beloqui
Advanced Functional Materials 34, (2024)
Engineered Metal-Loaded Biohybrids to Promote the Attachment and Electron-Shuttling between Enzymes and Carbon Electrodes

7. M. Picchio, M. Orellano, M. Motta, C. Huck-Iriart, D. Sánchez-deAlcázar, R. Lopez-Domene, B. Martín-García, A. Larrañaga, A. Beloqui, D. Mecerreyes and M. Calderón
Advanced Functional Materials 34, 2313747 (2024)
Elastomeric Protein Bioactive Eutectogels for Topical Drug Delivery

8. A. Prudnikau, H. Roshan, F. Paulus, B. Martín-García, R. Hübner, H. Jalali, M. De Franco, M. Prato, F. Di Stasio and V. Lesnyak
Advanced Functional Materials , (2023)
Efficient Near-Infrared Light-Emitting Diodes Based on CdHgSe Nanoplatelets

9. F. Gallego, F. Trier, S. Mallik, J. Bréhin, S. Varotto, L. Vicente-Arche, T. Gosavy, C. Lin, J. Coudevylle, L. Iglesias, F. Casanova, I. Young, L. Vila, J. Attané and M. Bibes
Advanced Functional Materials 34, 2307474 (2023)
All-Electrical Detection of the Spin-Charge Conversion in Nanodevices Based on SrTiO<sub>3</sub> 2-D Electron Gases

10. K. Sergeeva, D. Pavlov, A. Seredin, E. Mitsai, A. Sergeev, E. Modin, A. Sokolova, T. Lau, K. Baryshnikova, M. Petrov, S. Kershaw, A. Kuchmizhak, K. Wong and A. Rogach
Advanced Functional Materials 33, 2307660 (2023)
Laser-Printed Plasmonic Metasurface Supporting Bound States in the Continuum Enhances and Shapes Infrared Spontaneous Emission of Coupled HgTe Quantum Dots

11. R. Lopez-Domene, S. Vazquez-Diaz, E. Modin, A. Beloqui and A. Cortajarena
Advanced Functional Materials 33, (2023)
An Emerging Nanozyme Class for a la carte Enzymatic-Like Activities based on Protein-Metal Nanocluster Hybrids

12. J. Pereira, D. Tezze, I. Niehues, Y. Asensio, H. Yang, L. Mester, S. Chen, F. Casanova, A. Bittner, M. Ormaza, F. Schiller, B. Martin-Garcia, R. Hillenbrand, L. Hueso and M. Gobbi
Advanced Functional Materials 32, (2022)
Percolating Superconductivity in Air-Stable Organic-Ion Intercalated MoS2

13. Y. Asensio, S. Marras, D. Spirito, M. Gobbi, M. Ipatov, F. Casanova, A. Mateo-Alonso, L. Hueso and B. Martin-Garcia
Advanced Functional Materials 32, (2022)
Magnetic Properties of Layered Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Metal-Halide Perovskites: Transition Metal, Organic Cation and Perovskite Phase Effects

14. D. Garcia-Lojo, E. Modin, S. Gomez-Grana, M. Imperor-Clerc, A. Chuvilin, I. Pastoriza-Santos, J. Perez-Juste, D. Constantin and C. Hamon
Advanced Functional Materials 31, 2101869 (2021)
Structure and Formation Kinetics of Millimeter-Size Single Domain Supercrystals

15. A. Rodriguez-Abetxuko, P. Munumer, M. Okuda, J. Calvo, M. Knez and A. Beloqui
Advanced Functional Materials 30, 2002990 (2020)
Nanoconfined (Bio)Catalysts as Efficient Glucose-Responsive Nanoreactors
PDF -Nanoconfined (Bio)Catalysts as Efficient Glucose-Responsive Nanoreactors This is the peer reviewed version of the article, which has been published in final form at the journal webpage. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving

16. J. Plou, I. Garcia, M. Charconnet, I. Astobiza, C. Garcia-Astrain, C. Matricardi, A. Mihi, A. Carracedo and L. Liz-Marzan
Advanced Functional Materials 30, 1910335 (2020)
Multiplex SERS Detection of Metabolic Alterations in Tumor Extracellular Media
PDF -Multiplex SERS Detection of Metabolic Alterations in Tumor Extracellular Media This is the peer reviewed version of the article, which has been published in final form at the journal webpage. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving

17. N. Gil-Gonzalez, C. Chen, T. Akyazi, A. Zuzuarregui, A. Rodriguez, M. Knez, E. Castano, F. Benito-Lopez and M. Carmen Morant-Minana
Advanced Functional Materials 28, 1803127 (2018)
AZO Embedded Interdigitated Electrodes for Monitoring Stimuli Responsive Materials

18. A. Rodriguez-Abetxuko, M. Carmen Morant-Minana, F. Lopez-Gallego, L. Yate, A. Seifert, M. Knez and A. Beloqui
Advanced Functional Materials 28, 1803115 (2018)
Imidazole-Grafted Nanogels for the Fabrication of Organic-Inorganic Protein Hybrids

19. A. Bedoya-Pinto, S. Miralles, S. Velez, A. Atxabal, P. Gargiani, M. Valvidares, F. Casanova, E. Coronado and L. Hueso
Advanced Functional Materials 28, 1702099 (2018)
Interface-Assisted Sign Inversion of Magnetoresistance in Spin Valves Based on Novel Lanthanide Quinoline Molecules

20. T. Arnold, A. Atxabal, S. Parui, L. Hueso and F. Ortmann
Advanced Functional Materials 28, 1706105 (2018)
Hot Electrons and Hot Spins at Metal-Organic Interfaces

21. P. Stoliar, J. Tranchant, B. Corraze, E. Janod, M. Besland, F. Tesler, M. Rozenberg and L. Cario
Advanced Functional Materials 27, 1604740 (2017)
A Leaky-Integrate-and-Fire Neuron Analog Realized with a Mott Insulator
PDF -A Leaky-Integrate-and-Fire Neuron Analog Realized with a Mott Insulator This is the peer reviewed version of the article, which has been published in final form at the journal webpage. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving

22. E. Janod, J. Tranchant, B. Corraze, M. Querre, P. Stoliar, M. Rozenberg, T. Cren, D. Roditchev, Vinh Ta Phuoc, M. Besland and L. Cario
Advanced Functional Materials 25, 6287 (2015)
Resistive Switching in Mott Insulators and Correlated Systems

23. S. Parui, L. Pietrobon, D. Ciudad, S. Velez, X. Sun, F. Casanova, P. Stoliar and L. Hueso
Advanced Functional Materials 25, 2972 (2015)
Gate-Controlled Energy Barrier at a Graphene/Molecular Semiconductor Junction

24. S. Shi, Z. Sun, A. Bedoya-Pinto, P. Graziosi, X. Li, X. Liu, L. Hueso, A. V. Dediu, Y. Luo and M. Fahlman
Advanced Functional Materials 24, 4812 (2014)
Hybrid Interface States and Spin Polarization at Ferromagnetic Metal-Organic Heterojunctions: Interface Engineering for Efficient Spin Injection in Organic Spintronics

25. Y. Qin, R. Vogelgesang, M. Esslinger, W. Sigle, P. van Aken, O. Moutanabbir and M. Knez
Advanced Functional Materials 22, 5157 (2012)
Bottom-Up Tailoring of Plasmonic Nanopeapods Making Use of the Periodical Topography of Carbon Nanocoil Templates

26. M. Alvarez, A. Best, A. Unger, J. Alonso, A. del Campo, M. Schmelzeisen, K. Koynov and M. Kreiter
Advanced Functional Materials 20, 4265 (2010)
Near-Field Lithography by Two-Photon-Induced Photocleavage of Organic Monolayers
