State-of-the-art facilities

The nanoGUNE infrastructure is designed to fabricate nanoscale materials and characterize their properties on the nanometer scale and with sufficiently high sensitivity. Since the opening in 2009, new facilities have been fitted out and renewed progressively, including a 300 m2 cleanroom, electron microscopy laboratory, nanooptics laboratories, nanobio facilities, and advanced characterization and nanofabrication equipment.

CRYO Plasma FIB instrument, a new exciting tool, one of a few in Europe, reinforced the Basque Electron Microscopy infrastructure in 2024.


nanoGUNE, the Basque Nanoscience Cooperative Research Center

Our mission is to carry out world-class nanoscience research for the competitive growth of the Basque Country. 

Nanoscience is science at a very small scale: the nanoscale, ranging from 0.1 to 100 nanometers. A nanometer is one-millionth of a millimeter. The behavior of matter at the nanoscale is very special and scientists from very diverse disciplines are nowadays studing all these phenomena. 

Our research is mainly focused on Quantum Nanoscience, Nanomaterials and Nanomedicine. 
