Journal - Royal Society Open Science

1. I. Lebedeva, A. Garcia, E. Artacho and P. Ordejon
Royal Society Open Science 10, 230063 (2023)
Modular implementation of the linear- and cubic-scaling orbital minimization methods in electronic structure codes using atomic orbitals
PDF -Modular implementation of the linear- and cubic-scaling orbital minimization methods in electronic structure codes using atomic orbitals Copyright by the Royal Society Open Science. This article may be downloaded for personal use only

2. N. Koval, P. Koval, F. Da Pieve, J. Kohanoff, E. Artacho and D. Emfietzoglou
Royal Society Open Science 9, 212011 (2022)
Inelastic scattering of electrons in water from first principles: cross sections and inelastic mean free path for use in Monte Carlo track-structure simulations of biological damage
PDF -Inelastic scattering of electrons in water from first principles: cross sections and inelastic mean free path for use in Monte Carlo track-structure simulations of biological damage Copyright by the Royal Society Open Science. This article may be downloaded for personal use only

3. D. Bennett, M. Basagoiti and E. Artacho
Royal Society Open Science 7, 201270 (2020)
Electrostatics and domains in ferroelectric superlattices
PDF -Electrostatics and domains in ferroelectric superlattices Copyright by the Royal Society Open Science. This article may be downloaded for personal use only

4. N. Koval, F. Da Pieve and E. Artacho
Royal Society Open Science 7, 200925 (2020)
Ab initio electronic stopping power for protons in Ga0.5In0.5P/GaAs/Ge triple-junction solar cells for space applications
PDF -Ab initio electronic stopping power for protons in Ga0.5In0.5P/GaAs/Ge triple-junction solar cells for space applications Copyright by the Royal Society Open Science. This article may be downloaded for personal use only

5. F. Corsetti, A. Alonso-Caballero, S. Poly, R. Perez-Jimenez and E. Artacho
Royal Society Open Science 7, 200183 (2020)
Entropic bonding of the type 1 pilus from experiment and simulation
PDF -Entropic bonding of the type 1 pilus from experiment and simulation Copyright by the Royal Society Open Science. This article may be downloaded for personal use only
