Revista - Chemistry of Materials

1. M. Wagner, A. Herrero-Ruiz, E. Verde-Sesto, I. Asenjo-Sanz and L. Liz-Marzán
Chemistry of Materials 37, 644 (2025)
Influence of Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) Synthesis Conditions on the Formation of Gold Nanostars

2. G. Vinnacombe-Willson, C. García-Astrain, L. Troncoso-Afonso, M. Wagner, J. Langer, P. González-Callejo, D. Di Silvio and L. Liz-Marzán
Chemistry of Materials 36, 5192 (2024)
Growing Gold Nanostars on 3D Hydrogel Surfaces

3. S. Hadjadj, C. González-Orellana, J. Lawrence, D. Bikaljevic, M. Peña-Díaz, P. Gargiani, L. Aballe, J. Naumann, M. Niño, M. Foerster, S. Ruiz-Gómez, S. Thakur, I. Kumberg, J. Taylor, J. Hayes, J. Torres, C. Luo, F. Radu, D. de Oteyza, W. Kuch, J.I. Pascual, C. Rogero and M. Ilyn
Chemistry of Materials 35, 9847 (2023)
Epitaxial Monolayers of the Magnetic 2D Semiconductor FeBr<sub>2</sub> Grown on Au(111)

4. K. Ashurbekova, E. Modin, H. Hano, K. Ashurbekova, I. Jankovic, R. Peter, M. Petravic, A. Chuvilin, A. Abdulagatov and M. Knez
Chemistry of Materials 35, 8092 (2023)
<i>In Situ</i> Investigation of Thermally Induced Surface Graphenization of Polymer-Derived Ceramic (PDC) Coatings from Molecular Layer (MLD) Deposited Silicon-Based Preceramic Thin Films

5. O. Yurkevich, E. Modin, I. Jankovic, R. Peter, M. Petravic and M. Knez
Chemistry of Materials 35, 7529 (2023)
Introducing a Robust Flexible Conductive Hybrid: Indium Oxide-ParyleneC Obtained by Vapor Phase Infiltration

6. A. Antanovich, L. Yang, S. Erwin, B. Martin-Garcia, R. Hubner, C. Steinbach, D. Schwarz, N. Gaponik and V. Lesnyak
Chemistry of Materials , (2022)
CdSexS1-x Alloyed Nanoplatelets with Continuously Tunable Blue-Green Emission

7. G. Saleh, G. Biffi, F. Di Stasio, B. Martin-Garcia, A. Abdelhady, L. Manna, R. Krahne and S. Artyukhin
Chemistry of Materials 33, 8524 (2021)
Methylammonium Governs Structural and Optical Properties of Hybrid Lead Halide Perovskites through Dynamic Hydrogen Bonding

8. S. Bellani, L. Najafi, M. Prato, R. Oropesa-Nunez, B. Martin-Garcia, L. Gagliani, E. Mantero, L. Marasco, G. Bianca, M. Zappia, C. Demirci, S. Olivotto, G. Mariucci, V. Pellegrini, M. Schiavetti and F. Bonaccorso
Chemistry of Materials 33, 4106 (2021)
Graphene-Based Electrodes in a Vanadium Redox Flow Battery Produced by Rapid Low-Pressure Combined Gas Plasma Treatments
PDF -Graphene-Based Electrodes in a Vanadium Redox Flow Battery Produced by Rapid Low-Pressure Combined Gas Plasma Treatments This document is the unedited Author’s version of a Submitted Work that was subsequently accepted for publication in Chemistry of Materials, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review.

9. K. Ashurbekova, K. Ashurbekova, I. Saric, M. Gobbi, E. Modin, A. Chuvilin, M. Petravic, I. Abdulagatov and M. Knez
Chemistry of Materials 33, 1022 (2021)
Ultrathin Hybrid SiAlCOH Dielectric Films through Ring-Opening Molecular Layer Deposition of Cyclic Tetrasiloxane
PDF -Ultrathin Hybrid SiAlCOH Dielectric Films through Ring-Opening Molecular Layer Deposition of Cyclic Tetrasiloxane This document is the unedited Author’s version of a Submitted Work that was subsequently accepted for publication in Chemistry of Materials, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review.

10. I. Azpitarte, A. Zuzuarregui, H. Ablat, L. Ruiz-Rubio, A. Lopez-Ortega, S. Elliott and M. Knez
Chemistry of Materials 29, 10068 (2017)
Suppressing the Thermal and Ultraviolet Sensitivity of Kevlar by Infiltration and Hybridization with ZnO
PDF -Suppressing the Thermal and Ultraviolet Sensitivity of Kevlar by Infiltration and Hybridization with ZnO This document is the unedited Author’s version of a Submitted Work that was subsequently accepted for publication in Chemistry of Materials, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review.

11. A. Lopez-Ortega, E. Lottini, G. Bertoni, C. Fernandez and C. Sangregorio
Chemistry of Materials 29, 7629 (2017)
Topotaxial Phase Transformation in Cobalt Doped Iron Oxide Core/Shell Hard Magnetic Nanoparticles (vol 29, pg 1279, 2017)

12. A. Lopez-Ortega, A. Roca, P. Torruella, M. Petrecca, S. Estrade, F. Peiro, V. Puntes and J. Nogues
Chemistry of Materials 28, 8025 (2016)
Galvanic Replacement onto Complex Metal-Oxide Nanoparticles: Impact of Water or Other Oxidizers in the Formation of either Fully Dense Onion-like or Multicomponent Hollow MnOx/FeOx Structures

13. K. Gregorczyk, D. F. Pickup, M. Garcia-Sanz, I. Azpitarte, C. Rogero and M. Knez
Chemistry of Materials 27, 181 (2015)
Tuning the Tensile Strength of Cellulose through Vapor-Phase Metalation

14. N. C. Bigall, C. Wilhelm, M. L. Beoutis, M. Garcia-Hernandez, A. Khan, C. Giannini, A. Sanchez-Ferrer, R. Mezzenga, M. E. Materia, M. A. Garcia, F. Gazeau, A. Bittner, L. Manna and T. Pellegrino
Chemistry of Materials 25, 1055 (2013)
Colloidal Ordered Assemblies in a Polymer Shell-A Novel Type of Magnetic Nanobeads for Theranostic Applications

15. L. G. Bulusheva, Y. V. Fedoseeva, A. V. Okotrub, E. Flahaut, I. P. Asanov, V. O. Koroteev, A. Yaya, C. P. Ewels, A. Chuvilin, A. Felten, G. Van Lier and D. V. Vyalikh
Chemistry of Materials 22, 4197 (2010)
Stability of Fluorinated Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Produced by Different Fluorination Techniques

16. M. Dobbelin, R. Marcilla, M. Salsamendi, C. Pozo-Gonzalo, P. M. Carrasco, J. A. Pomposo and D. Mecerreyes
Chemistry of Materials 19, 2147 (2007)
Influence of ionic liquids on the electrical conductivity and morphology of PEDOT : PSS films
