Plastics in our ocean: A micro or macro challenge?

Plastics in our ocean: A micro or macro challenge?
From to



A hands-on workshop tailor-made for participants for

“co-understanding the challenge and co-constructing actions”



Start: 1 October 2019, 9:30

End: 2 October 2019, 14:00




Tolosa Hiribidea, 76

20018 Donostia-San Sebastián




The event focuses on tackling the societal challenge of reducing and preventing the presence of plastics and microplastics in our ocean, by understanding the negative effects of these materials in the ocean, assessing the utility of plastics in our daily life, and revising current practices of consumption, use and management of these useful materials in Europe at a societal scale. While doing so, the event will delve into the role, science, technology, industry, policy and society can play to accomplish the challenge responsibly in today' s complex scenario.

In the light of the above, the purpose of the event is to gather 20-25 participants from all across Europe, who are affecting and/or affected by the challenge and are willing to work together to understand it, identify existing barriers to accomplish it and elaborate proposals of realistic actions to achieve it. With this in mind, the event aims at having a heterogeneous group of participants composed of researchers, industry, business, policy makers and implementers, citizens, NGOs, educators and communicators.

The event is thought as a hands-on workshop in English, tailor-made for participants, seeking co-learning and co-creation. Its activities are designed to ensure individuals fill knowledge gaps, produce proposals of realistic actions to take home, get feedback on shared ideas, reach consensus while their voice is heard, and network. With the aim of hosting an event of maximum usefulness and impact, the questions to be addressed will encompass general issues of concern for society, as well as more specific issues pointed out by the participants upon filling in the application form.

The event has two ultimate goals. Firstly, learning about the complex societal challenge proposed, by listening to and understanding those who are facing it from different perspectives. Secondly, using the collective wisdom and brainpower to propose realistic actions to accomplish the challenge, which can ensure environmental and economic sustainability, welfare and richness to all - in the quest for building a more responsible society and preserving our planet.


Important dates

Application deadline: 31 July 2019

Offering you a place: 9 August 2019


Additional information

Event brochure (PDF)

Travel guide (PDF)

Privacy and data protection information (PDF)

Final report (PDF)  



Contact person

For any inquiries or further information please contact:

Nagore Ibarra González

0034 943574064

Subject: ResponSEAble person




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This event has received funding from the European Union through the EKLIPSE project (Grant Agreement No. 690474) of Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.


Seeking sponsorship

We are working on the identification of sponsors, who may be interested in enrolling in and supporting the event. Sponsors could also be actors with executive/business/political power. Their engagement will increase the impact of the outcomes of the event, serve as a platform to communicate the results to a broader community, and promote the multiplication/proliferation of this type of participatory events all across Europe.

Please use the contact information above if you are interested. 

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