Itxasne Azpitarte to receive top student award of the Master in New Materials
Itxasne Azpitarte has been nominated as top student in the 2014/2015 academic year in the Master’s degree in New Materials, which is run between various university departments of the UPV/EHU-University of the Basque Country and the University of Cantabria (UC).

“I got the news last week and it was a great surprise in fact. When we get involved in our everyday work, we ‘forget’ all about the Master’s degrees, courses, etc. done the previous year,” said Azpitarte.
She will be receiving her diploma on 11 March as part of the Master’s Week 2016 when there will be an act of recognition and awarding of diplomas on the Bizkaia Campus for the best students on the Master’s courses during the 2014/2015 academic year.
This Master’s aims to provide students with a solid grounding in the latest methodologies relating to synthesis, characterisation, properties and applications in the field of new materials, and train them to make decisions in the scientific field, specifically in that of advanced materials, as well as to equip them to conduct research work in groups.