Welcome, summer ‘23 interns!
This week we have proudly welcomed a group of 12 undergraduate students who will join our summer internship program.

This year we open our doors to students from several national and international universities. Among them, we have students from nearby universities such as the University of the Basque Country, the University of Deusto or the University of Navarra, as well as from the University of Seville, the University of Zaragoza, the University of Salamanca, the University Carlos III of Madrid and the KTH Royal Institute of Technology of Sweden.
The official welcome took place on Tuesday, 12 June, in the nanoGUNE seminar room. During this meeting, our director, Txema Pitarke, gave a brief introduction presenting the history, objectives and mission of the center. After the meeting, the students had the opportunity to interact and get to know each other and the center’s staff during an informal breakfast.
During the next two months, the students –mainly coming from Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Engineering degrees – will be engaged in the development of several research projects centered around one of nanoGUNE’s 4 core themes: Optics at the Nanoscale, Nanobioengineering, Electronic Phenomena and Magnetism, and Nanoscale Materials.