
  • 10alamenos9 [ 2017 ]

    NanoGUNEk Nanoteknologiako Jaialdi Nazionala koordinatuko du Donostian, ondoz ondoko bigarren urtez: 10ALAMENOS9. 2017ko apirilean egingo da hainbat hiritan: Zaragoza, Madril, Bartzelona eta…
  • EDF Eurocities visit

    A group of european delegates from Eurocities, the network for Europe's largest cities, will visit nanoGUNE. Fomento San Sebastian is hosting the Economic Development Forum for Eurocities from 24 to…
  • EDF Eurocities visit

    A group of european delegates from Eurocities, the network for Europe's largest cities, will visit nanoGUNE. Fomento San Sebastian is hosting the Economic Development Forum for Eurocities from 24 to…
  • 10alamenos9 [ 2017 ]

    NanoGUNEk Nanoteknologiako Jaialdi Nazionala koordinatuko du Donostian, ondoz ondoko bigarren urtez: 10ALAMENOS9. 2017ko apirilean egingo da hainbat hiritan: Zaragoza, Madril, Bartzelona eta…
  • High School Visit

    High-School students from Salesianos Donostia will be visiting nanoGUNE.
  • International Day of Women and Girls in Science

    In order to achieve full and equal access to and participation in science for women and girls, and further achieve gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls, the United Nations General…
  • International Day of Women and Girls in Science

    In order to achieve full and equal access to and participation in science for women and girls, and further achieve gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls, the United Nations General…
  • 2017 nanoGUNE PhD Workshop

    The PhD students of CIC nanoGUNE are organizing the 2nd nanoGUNE PhD Workshop. This year, we attempt to get closer to companies, in order to better understand the different ways in which we, young…
  • 2017 nanoGUNE PhD Workshop

    The PhD students of CIC nanoGUNE are organizing the 2nd nanoGUNE PhD Workshop. This year, we attempt to get closer to companies, in order to better understand the different ways in which we, young…
  • Workshop on Hybrid Materials by ALD/MLD & Iberian ALD

    Research on hybrid materials is an emerging field with great promise for a broad variety of applications. In spite of still being a niche within the field of materials research, an increasing…