Self-assembly - 2016 year publications

1. K. Shiba, T. Kataoka, M. Okuda, S. Blanco-Canosa and M. Tagaya
RSC Advances 6, 55750 (2016)
Designed synthesis of well-defined titania/iron(III) acetylacetonate nanohybrids with magnetic/luminescent properties
PDF -Designed synthesis of well-defined titania/iron(III) acetylacetonate nanohybrids with magnetic/luminescent properties Copyright of the Royal Society of Chemistry

2. T. Galindo, T. Kataoka, S. Fujii, M. Okuda and M. Tagaya
Colloid And Interface Science Communications 10-11, 15 (2016)
Preparation of nanocrystalline zinc-substituted hydroxyapatite films and their biological properties

3. K. Zeth, E. Hoiczyk and M. Okuda
Trends In Biochemical Sciences 41, 190 (2016)
Ferroxidase-Mediated Iron Oxide Biomineralization: Novel Pathways to Multifunctional Nanoparticles

4. A. Calo, A. Eleta, P. Stoliar, D. De Sancho, S. Santos, A. Verdaguer and A. Bittner
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 6, 21899 (2016)
Multifrequency Force Microscopy of Helical Protein Assembly on a Virus
PDF -Multifrequency Force Microscopy of Helical Protein Assembly on a Virus Open Access

5. A. Calo, S. Eiben, M. Okuda and A. Bittner
Nanoscale device architectures derived from biological assemblies: The case of tobacco mosaic virus and (apo)ferritin

6. M. Okuda, J. Eloi, S. Jones, M. Verwegen, J. Cornelissen and W. Schwarzacher
Nanotechnology 27, 95605 (2016)
Pt, Co-Pt and Fe-Pt alloy nanoclusters encapsulated in virus capsids

7. A. Bittner
Abstracts Of Papers Of The American Chemical Society 251, (2016)
Water at the tobacco mosaic virus

8. C. Koch, F. Eber, C. Azucena, A. Foerste, S. Walheim, T. Schimmel, A. Bittner, H. Jeske, H. Gliemann, S. Eiben, F. Geiger and C. Wege
Beilstein Journal Of Nanotechnology 7, 613 (2016)
Novel roles for well-known players: from tobacco mosaic virus pests to enzymatically active assemblies
PDF -Novel roles for well-known players: from tobacco mosaic virus pests to enzymatically active assemblies Open Access License article

9. S. Shah, A. Khan, A. Espinosa, M. Garcia, W. Nuansing, M. Ungureanu, J. Heddle, A. Chuvilin, C. Wege and A. Bittner
Langmuir 32, 5899 (2016)
Virus-Templated Near-Amorphous Iron Oxide Nanotubes

10. S. Carreira, J. Armstrong, M. Okuda, A. Seddon, A. Perriman and W. Schwarzacher
Jove-Journal of Visualized Experiments , e54785 (2016)
Synthesis of Cationized Magnetoferritin for Ultra-fast Magnetization of Cells
