The Basque technologycal company MYRUNS becomes the majority partner of Evolgene Genomics
MYRUNS ENGINEERING SPORTS, SL (MYRUNS), a Basque company led by its founder and largest shareholder, Xabier García Roldán, and dedicated to the development of solutions for the digitalization of companies using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology, has acquired 80% of the also Basque Evolgene Genomics, a spin-off of nanoGUNE.

With this acquisition, MYRUNS becomes a majority partner of Evolgene Genomics, with the aim of also advancing in the treatment of biomass, the development of high-added-value biomaterials, and the development of next-generation biofuels for clean energy production."Evolgene Genomics has already a portfolio of ancestral enzymes and various companies have expressed interest in the technology" says Garcia-Roldan.
Evolgene Genomics specializes in ancestral sequence reconstruction (ASR) to produce enzymes with extraordinary properties using ancestral cellulases and xylanases.
A few years ago, the Basque research center nanoGUNE directed by Txema Pitake started a technological development, in collaboration with its spin-off Evolgene Genomics and MYRUNS, that has led to six patents that will allow the use of novel conductive inks in RFID tags. This product identification system uses radio waves to communicate with a microchip with a large data storage capacity.
In addition, thanks to this collaboration, the development of a highly disruptive technology has been achieved, which represents a scientific and technological success of an extraordinary magnitude and that to date had not been achieved: the replacement of metals by a conductive ink.
Researchers Borja Fernández-d'Arlas, Xabier García Roldán and Raúl Pérez-Jiménez, led by Daniel Simo, CEO of Evolgene, developed the technology by combining materials science with the reconstruction of ancestral enzyme sequences.
"The value of these developments are of such technological and economic magnitude that they can be incorporated into very different business areas, such as electronics, energy, the pharmaceutical sector or the cosmetics sector," explains Xabier García Roldan. "This is our bet for the coming years," adds the leader of MYRUNS.