Nanomaterials - 2014 year publications
1. U. Carmona, L. Zhang, L. Li, W. Münchgesang, E. Pippel and M. Knez
Chemical Communications 50, 701 (2014)
Tuning, inhibiting and restoring the enzyme mimetic activities of Pt-apoferritin
2. L. Li, L. Zhang, U. Carmona and M. Knez
Chemical Communications 50, 8021 (2014)
Semi-artificial and bioactive ferroxidase with nanoparticles as the active sites
3. U. Carmona, L. Li, L. Zhang and M. Knez
Chemical Communications 50, 15358 (2014)
Ferritin light-chain subunits: key elements for the electron transfer across the protein cage
4. L. Yate, L. Coy, G. Wang, M. Beltran, E. Diaz-Barriga, E. Saucedo, M. Ceniceros, K. Zaleski, I. Llarena, M. Moeller and R. Ziolo
RSC Advances 4, 61355 (2014)
Tailoring mechanical properties and electrical conductivity of flexible niobium carbide nanocomposite thin films
5. M. Mayer, K. Keskinbora, C. Grevent, A. Szeghalmi, M. Knez, M. Weigand, A. Snigirev, I. Snigireva and G. Schuetz
Efficient focusing of 8 keV X-rays with multilayer Fresnel zone plates fabricated by atomic layer deposition and focused ion beam milling (vol 20, pg 433, 2013)
Copyright by the International Union of Crystallography. This article may be downloaded for personal use only
6. G. M. Kim, S. M. Lee, M. Knez and P. Simon
Thin Solid Films 562, 291 (2014)
Single phase ZnO submicrotubes as a replica of electrospun polymer fiber template by atomic layer deposition
7. K. Keskinbora, A. L. Robisch, M. Mayer, U. T. Sanli, C. Grevent, C. Wolter, M. Weigand, A. Szeghalmi, M. Knez, T. Salditt and G. Schuetz
Optics Express 22, 18440 (2014)
Multilayer Fresnel zone plates for high energy radiation resolve 21 nm features at 1.2 keV
Copyright by the Optical Society. This article may be downloaded for personal use only
8. S. Lee, E. Pippel, O. Moutanabbir, J. Kim, H. Lee and M. Knez
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 6, 16827 (2014)
In Situ Raman Spectroscopic Study of Al-Infiltrated Spider Dragline Silk under Tensile Deformation