Quantum-probe-microscopy - Journal - Small

1. M. Blanco-Rey, R. Castrillo, K. Ali, P. Gargiani, M. Ilyn, M. Gastaldo, M. Paradinas, M. Valbuena, A. Mugarza, J. Ortega, F. Schiller and L. Fernández
Small 20, (2024)
The Role of Rare-Earth Atoms in the Anisotropy and Antiferromagnetic Exchange Coupling at a Hybrid Metal-Organic Interface

2. E. Río, S. Trivini, J.I. Pascual, V. Cherkez, P. Mallet, J. Veuillen, J. Cuevas and I. Brihuega
Small , 2308439 (2023)
Shaping Graphene Superconductivity with Nanometer Precision

3. Z. Yang, C. Lotze, M. Corso, S. Baum, K. Franke and J.I. Pascual
Small 15, 1804713 (2019)
Direct Imaging of the Induced-Fit Effect in Molecular Self-Assembly
