Nanodevices - Journal - Advanced Materials Interfaces

1. M. Sharma, G. Avedissian, W. Skowronski, J. Jo, A. Chuvilin, F. Casanova, M. Gobbi and L. Hueso
Advanced Materials Interfaces , (2024)
Gate-Tunable Exchange Bias and Volage-Controlled Magnetization Switching in a van der Waals Ferromagnet

2. S. Martin-Rio, C. Frontera, J. Gomez-Perez, M. Aguilar-Pujol, S. Catalano, J. Gazquez, F. Casanova, L. Balcells, A. Pomar and B. Martinez
Advanced Materials Interfaces 9, 2201171 (2022)
Interfacial Magnetic Features of La2CoMnO6/Pt Bilayers Studied by Using Spin Hall Magnetoresistance

3. J. Fontcuberta, H. Vasili, J. Gazquez and F. Casanova
Advanced Materials Interfaces 6, 1900475 (2019)
On the Role of Interfaces on Spin Transport in Magnetic Insulator/Normal Metal Heterostructures
