Nanodevices - Journal - Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics

1. O. Txoperena and F. Casanova
Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 49, 133001 (2016)
Spin injection and local magnetoresistance effects in three-terminal devices

2. M. Isasa, E. Villamor, L. Fallarino, O. Idigoras, A. Suszka, C. Tollan, A. Berger, L. Hueso and F. Casanova
Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 48, 215003 (2015)
Spin transport enhancement by controlling the Ag growth in lateral spin valves

3. P. Stoliar, M. J. Sanchez, G. A. Patterson and P. I. Fierens
Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 47, 435304 (2014)
Thermal effects on the switching kinetics of silver/manganite memristive systems
