2010 year publications
1. A. Rakovich, A. Sukhanova, E. Lukashev, V. Zagidullin, I. Nabiev, Y. P. Rakovich, J. F. Donegan, A. B. Rubin and A. Govorov
Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 49, 7217 (2010)
Fluorescent Quantum Dots as Artificial Antennas for Enhanced Light Harvesting and Energy Transfer to Photosynthetic Reaction Centers
2. J. J. Gaitero, I. Campillo, P. Mondal and S. P. Shah
Transportation Research Record , 1 (2010)
Small Changes Can Make a Great Difference
3. M. Navarro-Cia, M. Beruete, F. Falcone, M. Sorolla and I. Campillo
Progress in Electromagnetics Research-PIER 103, 101 (2010)
4. M. Beruete, I. Campillo, J. S. Dolado, J. E. Rodriguez-Seco, E. Perea, F. Falcone and M. Sorolla
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 9, 1279 (2010)
Comments on ``A High-Gain Antenna Consisting of Two Slot Elements With a Space Larger Than a Wavelength''
5. M. Erekhinsky, A. Sharoni, F. Casanova and I. K. Schuller
Applied Physics Letters 96, 022513 (2010)
Surface enhanced spin-flip scattering in lateral spin valves
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6. W. Mahmoud, A. Sukhanova, V. Oleinikov, Y. P. Rakovich, J. F. Donegan, M. Pluot, J. H. M. Cohen, Y. Volkov and I. Nabiev
Proteomics 10, 700 (2010)
Emerging applications of fluorescent nanocrystals quantum dots for micrometastases detection
7. B. Deutsch, R. Hillenbrand and L. Novotny
Nano Letters 10, 652 (2010)
Visualizing the Optical Interaction Tensor of a Gold Nanoparticle Pair
8. O. Hovorka, Y. Liu, K. A. Dahmen and A. Berger
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 322, 459 (2010)
On the ability to determine intrinsic switching field distributions from hysteresis loops in the partially correlated magnetization reversal regime
9. I. G. Gurtubay, R. Gaudoin and J.M. Pitarke
Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 22, 65501 (2010)
Benchmark quantum Monte Carlo calculations of the ground-state kinetic, interaction and total energy of the three-dimensional electron gas
10. M. Beruete, M. Navarro-Cia, F. Falcone, I. Campillo and M. Sorolla
OPTICS LETTERS 35, 643 (2010)
Single negative birefringence in stacked spoof plasmon metasurfaces by prism experiment
11. J. Milano and M. Grimsditch
Physical Review B 81, 094415 (2010)
Magnetic field effects on the NiO magnon spectra
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12. C. M. Horowitz, C. R. Proetto and J.M. Pitarke
Physical Review B 81, 121106 (2010)
Localized versus extended systems in density functional theory: Some lessons from the Kohn-Sham exact exchange potential
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13. A. Ruiz de Luzuriaga, I. Garcia, D. Mecerreyes, A. Etxeberria and J. Pomposo
Polymer 51, 1355 (2010)
Design and stabilization of block copolymer micelles via phenol-pyridine hydrogen-bonding interactions
14. J. Stiegler, A. J. Huber, S. L . Diedenhofen, J. G. Rivas, R. E. Algra, E. P. A. M. Bakkers and R. Hillenbrand
Nano Letters 10, 1387 (2010)
Nanoscale Free-Carrier Profiling of Individual Semiconductor Nanowires by Infrared Near-Field Nanoscopy
15. G. Rousserie, A. Sukhanova, K. Even-Desrumeaux, F. Fleury, P. Chames, D. Baty, V. Oleinikov, M. Pluot, J. H. M. Cohen and I. Nabiev
Critical Reviews in Oncology Hematology 74, 1 (2010)
Semiconductor quantum dots for multiplexed bio-detection on solid-state microarrays
16. M. Schnell, A. Garcia-Etxarri, A. J. Huber, K. B. Crozier, A. Borisov, J. Aizpurua and R. Hillenbrand
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114, 7341 (2010)
Amplitude- and Phase-Resolved Near-Field Mapping of Infrared Antenna Modes by Transmission-Mode Scattering-Type Near-Field Microscopy
17. P. Vavassori, M. Gobbi, M. Donolato, M. Cantoni, R. Bertacco, V. Metlushko and B. Ilic
Journal of Applied Physics 107, 09B301 (2010)
Magnetic nanostructures for the manipulation of individual nanoscale particles in liquid environments (invited)
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18. M. Ghidini, A. Lodi-Rizzini, C. Pernechele, M. Solzi, R. Pellicelli, G. Zangari and P. Vavassori
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 322, 1576 (2010)
Growth rate dependence of the extrinsic magnetic properties of electrodeposited CoPt films
19. A. J. Huber, J. Wittborn and R. Hillenbrand
Nanotechnology 21, 235702 (2010)
Infrared spectroscopic near-field mapping of single nanotransistors
20. R. Gaudoin and J.M. Pitarke
Physical Review B 81, 245116 (2010)
Efficient method for the quantum Monte Carlo evaluation of the static density response function of a many-electron system
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21. M. Donolato, P. Vavassori, M. Gobbi, M. Deryabina, M. F. Hansen, V. Metlushko, B. Ilic, M. Cantoni, D. Petti, S. Brivio and R. Bertacco
Advanced Materials 22, 2706 (2010)
On-Chip Manipulation of Protein-Coated Magnetic Beads via Domain-Wall Conduits
22. A. Rakovich, A. Sukhanova, N. Bouchonville, E. Lukashev, V. Oleinikov, M. Artemyev, V. Lesnyak, N. Gaponik, M. Molinari, M. Troyon, Y. P. Rakovich, J. F. Donegan and I. Nabiev
Nano Letters 10, 2640 (2010)
Resonance Energy Transfer Improves the Biological Function of Bacteriorhodopsin within a Hybrid Material Built from Purple Membranes and Semiconductor Quantum Dots
23. I. Garcia, J. Pomposo, J. Echeberria, J. Ollo, M. Ilyn, K. Y. Guslienko and J. M. Gonzalez
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 10, 4246 (2010)
Microstructural and Magnetic Properties of CoCu Nanoparticles Prepared by Wet Chemistry
24. I. Garcia, N. Iturriza, J. J. del Val, H. Grande, J. Pomposo and J. Gonzalez
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 322, 1822 (2010)
Magnetic force microscopy characterization of heat and current treated Fe40Ni38Mo4B18 amorphous ribbons
25. M. Navarro-Cia, M. Beruete, M. Sorolla and I. Campillo
Physica B-Condensed Matter 405, 2950 (2010)
Viability of focusing effect by left-handed stacked subwavelength hole arrays
26. D. Tripathy, P. Vavassori, J. Porro, A. O. Adeyeye and N. Singh
Applied Physics Letters 97, 042512 (2010)
Magnetization reversal and anisotropic magnetoresistance behavior in bicomponent antidot nanostructures
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27. L. G. Bulusheva, Y. V. Fedoseeva, A. V. Okotrub, E. Flahaut, I. P. Asanov, V. O. Koroteev, A. Yaya, C. P. Ewels, A. Chuvilin, A. Felten, G. Van Lier and D. V. Vyalikh
Chemistry of Materials 22, 4197 (2010)
Stability of Fluorinated Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Produced by Different Fluorination Techniques
28. M. Navarro-Cia, M. Beruete, F. Falcone, I. Campillo and M. Sorolla
IET Microwaves Antennas & Propagation 4, 1092 (2010)
Selective dual-band subwavelength-hole-arrays-based polariser
29. Z. Wu, A. Mueller, S. Degenhard, S. E. Ruff, F. Geiger, A. Bittner, C. Wege and C. E. Krill
ACS Nano 4, 4531 (2010)
Enhancing the Magnetoviscosity of Ferrofluids by the Addition of Biological Nanotubes
30. M. Ameen, A. Garcia-Etxarri, M. Schnell, R. Hillenbrand and J. Aizpurua
Chinese Science Bulletin 55, 2625 (2010)
Infrared phononic nanoantennas: Localized surface phonon polaritons in SiC disks
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31. O. Hovorka, R. F. L. Evans, R. W. Chantrell and A. Berger
Applied Physics Letters 97, 062504 (2010)
Rate-dependence of the switching field distribution in nanoscale granular magnetic materials
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32. M. B. S. Kirketerp, M. A. Petersen, M. Wanko, H. Zettergren, A. Rubio, M. B. Nielsen and S. B. Nielsen
Chemphyschem 11, 2495 (2010)
Double-Bond versus Triple-Bond Bridges: Does it Matter for the Charge-Transfer Absorption by Donor-Acceptor Chromophores?
33. M. Schnell, A. Garcia-Etxarri, J. Alkorta, J. Aizpurua and R. Hillenbrand
Nano Letters 10, 3524 (2010)
Phase-Resolved Mapping of the Near-Field Vector and Polarization State in Nanoscale Antenna Gaps
34. J. S. Fraehmcke, M. Wanko, P. Phatak, M. A. Mroginski and M. Elstner
The Protonation State of Glu181 in Rhodopsin Revisited: Interpretation of Experimental Data on the Basis of QM/MM Calculations
35. A. Berger, S. Mangin, J. McCord, O. Hellwig and E. E. Fullerton
Physical Review B 82, 104423 (2010)
Cumulative minor loop growth in Co/Pt and Co/Pd multilayers
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36. Z. Wu, R. Zierold, A. Mueller, S. E. Emil, C. Ma, A. Khan, F. Geiger, B. A. Sommer, M. Knez, K. Nielsch, A. Bittner, C. Wege and I. Krill
Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics 247, 2412 (2010)
Preparation and magnetoviscosity of nanotube ferrofluids by viral scaffolding and ALD on porous templates
37. O. Idigoras, P. Vavassori, J. Porro and A. Berger
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 322, 57 (2010)
Kerr microscopy study of magnetization reversal in uniaxial Co-films
38. A. A. Sidorenko, C. Pernechele, P. Lupo, M. Ghidini, M. Solzi, R. De Renzi, I. Bergenti, P. Graziosi, V. Dediu, L. Hueso and A. T. Hindmarch
Applied Physics Letters 97, 162509 (2010)
Interface effects on an ultrathin Co film in multilayers based on the organic semiconductor Alq(3)
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39. F. Burrows, C. Parker, R. F. L. Evans, Y. Hancock, O. Hovorka and R. W. Chantrell
Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 43, 474010 (2010)
Energy losses in interacting fine-particle magnetic composites
40. A. V. Tyurnina, R. R. Ismagilov, A. Chuvilin and A. N. Obraztsov
Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics 247, 3010 (2010)
Topology peculiarities of graphite films of nanometer thickness
41. O. Hovorka, R. F. L. Evans, R. W. Chantrell, Y. Liu, K. A. Dahmen and A. Berger
Journal of Applied Physics 108, 123901 (2010)
Validation of Delta H(M, Delta M)-technique for identification of switching field distributions in the presence of thermal relaxation
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42. M. Alvarez, A. Best, A. Unger, J. Alonso, A. del Campo, M. Schmelzeisen, K. Koynov and M. Kreiter
Advanced Functional Materials 20, 4265 (2010)
Near-Field Lithography by Two-Photon-Induced Photocleavage of Organic Monolayers