Journal - Nanoscale Research Letters
1. M. Franke, S. Leubner, A. Dubavik, A. George, T. Savchenko, C. Pini, P. Frank, D. Melnikau, Y. Rakovich, N. Gaponik, A. Eychmueller and A. Richter
Nanoscale Research Letters 12, 314 (2017)
Immobilization of pH-sensitive CdTe Quantum Dots in a Poly(acrylate) Hydrogel for Microfluidic Applications
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2. D. Melnikau, D. Savateeva, A. Susha, A.L. Rogach and Y.P. Rakovich
Nanoscale Research Letters 8, 134 (2013)
Strong plasmon-exciton coupling in a hybrid system of gold nanostars and J-aggregates
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