Nanodevices - Journal - Nature Communications
1. A. Bylinkin, S. Castilla, T. Slipchenko, K. Domina, F. Calavalle, V. Pusapati, M. Autore, F. Casanova, L. Hueso, L. Martin-Moreno, A. Nikitin, F. Koppens and R. Hillenbrand
Nature Communications 15, 8907 (2024)
On-chip phonon-enhanced IR near-field detection of molecular vibrations
2. J. Jo, Y. Peisen, H. Yang, S. Manas-Valero, J. Baldovi, Y. Lu, E. Coronado, F. Casanova, F. Bergeret, M. Gobbi and L. Hueso
Nature Communications 14, 7253 (2023)
Local control of superconductivity in a NbSe<sub>2</sub>/CrSBr van der Waals heterostructure
3. I. Dolado, C. Maciel-Escudero, E. Nikulina, E. Modin, F. Calavalle, S. Chen, A. Bylinkin, F. Alfaro-Mozaz, J. Li, J. Edgar, F. Casanova, S. Velez, L. Hueso, R. Esteban, J. Aizpurua and R. Hillenbrand
Nature Communications 13, 6850 (2022)
Remote near-field spectroscopy of vibrational strong coupling between organic molecules and phononic nanoresonators
Open Access
4. H. Yang, E. Schmoranzerova, P. Jang, J. Nath, T. Guillet, I. Joumard, S. Auffret, M. Jamet, P. Nemec, G. Gaudin and I. Miron
Nature Communications 13, 6790 (2022)
Helicity dependent photoresistance measurement vs. beam-shift thermal gradient
Open Access
5. M. Barra-Burillo, U. Muniain, S. Catalano, M. Autore, F. Casanova, L. Hueso, J. Aizpurua, R. Esteban and R. Hillenbrand
Nature Communications 12, 6206 (2021)
Microcavity phonon polaritons from the weak to the ultrastrong phonon-photon coupling regime
Open Access
6. M. Gobbi, A. Galanti, M. Stoeckel, B. Zyska, S. Bonacchi, S. Hecht and P. Samori
Nature Communications 11, 4731 (2020)
Graphene transistors for real-time monitoring molecular self-assembly dynamics
Open Access
7. P. Li, G. Hu, I. Dolado, M. Tymchenko, C. Qiu, F. Javier Alfaro-Mozaz, F. Casanova, L. Hueso, S. Liu, J. Edgar, S. Velez, A. Alu and R. Hillenbrand
Nature Communications 11, 3663 (2020)
Collective near-field coupling and nonlocal phenomena in infrared-phononic metasurfaces for nano-light canalization
Open Access
8. J. Li, J. Pelliciari, C. Mazzoli, S. Catalano, F. Simmons, J. Sadowski, A. Levitan, M. Gibert, E. Carlson, J. Triscone, S. Wilkins and R. Comin
Nature Communications 10, 4568 (2019)
Scale-invariant magnetic textures in the strongly correlated oxide NdNiO3
Open Access
9. P. Pons-Valencia, F. Alfaro-Mozaz, M. Wiecha, V. Biolek, I. Dolado, S. Velez, P. Li, P. Alonso-Gonzalez, F. Casanova, L. Hueso, L. Martin-Moreno, R. Hillenbrand and A. Nikitin
Nature Communications 10, 3242 (2019)
Launching of hyperbolic phonon-polaritons in h-BN slabs by resonant metal plasmonic antennas
Open Access
10. A. Atxabal, T. Arnold, S. Parui, S. Hutsch, E. Zuccatti, R. Llopis, M. Cinchetti, F. Casanova, F. Ortmann and L. Hueso
Nature Communications 10, 2089 (2019)
Tuning the charge flow between Marcus regimes in an organic thin-film device
Open Access
11. F. Alfaro-Mozaz, S. Rodrigo, P. Alonso-Gonzalez, S. Velez, I. Dolado, F. Casanova, L. Hueso, L. Martin-Moreno, R. Hillenbrand and A. Nikitin
Nature Communications 10, 42 (2019)
Deeply subwavelength phonon-polaritonic crystal made of a van der Waals material
Open Access
12. M. Bluschke, A. Frano, E. Schierle, D. Putzky, F. Ghorbani, R. Ortiz, H. Suzuki, G. Christiani, G. Logvenov, E. Weschke, R. Birgeneau, E. da Silva Neto, M. Minola, S. Blanco-Canosa and B. Keimer
Nature Communications 9, 2978 (2018)
Stabilization of three-dimensional charge order in YBa2Cu3O6+x via epitaxial growth
Open Access
13. M. Ribeiro, S. Power, S. Roche, L. Hueso and F. Casanova
Nature Communications 8, 2198 (2017)
Scale-invariant large nonlocality in polycrystalline graphene
Open Access
14. W. Yan, E. Sagasta, M. Ribeiro, Y. Niimi, L. Hueso and F. Casanova
Nature Communications 8, 661 (2017)
Large room temperature spin-to-charge conversion signals in a few-layer graphene/Pt lateral heterostructure
Open Access
15. A. Govyadinov, A. Konecna, A. Chuvilin, S. Velez, I. Dolado, A. Nikitin, S. Lopatin, F. Casanova, L. Hueso, J. Aizpurua and R. Hillenbrand
Nature Communications 8, 95 (2017)
Probing low-energy hyperbolic polaritons in van der Waals crystals with an electron microscope
Open Access
16. F.J. Alfaro-Mozaz, P. Alonso-Gonzalez, S. Velez, I. Dolado, M. Autore, S. Mastel, F. Casanova, L. Hueso, P. Li, A. Nikitin and R. Hillenbrand
Nature Communications 8, 15624 (2017)
Nanoimaging of resonating hyperbolic polaritons in linear boron nitride antennas
Open Access
17. A. Atxabal, M. Ribeiro, S. Parui, L. Urreta, E. Sagasta, X. Sun, R. Llopis, F. Casanova and L. Hueso
Nature Communications 7, 13751 (2016)
Spin doping using transition metal phthalocyanine molecules
Open Access
18. W. Yan, O. Txoperena, R. Llopis, H. Dery, L. Hueso and F. Casanova
Nature Communications 7, 13372 (2016)
A two-dimensional spin field-effect switch
Open Access
19. M. Gobbi, L. Pietrobon, A. Atxabal, A. Bedoya-Pinto, X. Sun, F. Golmar, R. Llopis, F. Casanova and L. Hueso
Nature Communications 5, 4161 (2014)
Determination of energy level alignment at metal/molecule interfaces by in-device electrical spectroscopy
Open Access
20. X. Sun, M. Gobbi, A. Bedoya-Pinto, O. Txoperena, F. Golmar, R. Llopis, A. Chuvilin, F. Casanova and L. Hueso
Nature Communications 4, 2794 (2013)
Room-temperature air-stable spin transport in bathocuproine-based spin valves
Open Access
21. P. Alonso-Gonzalez, P. Albella, M. Schnell, J. Chen, F. Huth, A. Garcia-Etxarri, F. Casanova, F. Golmar, L. Arzubiaga, L. Hueso, J. Aizpurua and R. Hillenbrand
Nature Communications 3, 684 (2012)
Resolving the electromagnetic mechanism of surface-enhanced light scattering at single hot spots
Open Access