Projects at a Glance
ProteinFriction - Internal friction in protein folding, function and aggregation
Proteins serve varied functions in organisms, folding into functional structures based on energy landscapes. Protein folding landscapes are smooth yet slightly rough due to internal interactions, termed "internal friction." Misfolding, seen in diseases like Alzheimer's, lacks evolutionary pressure, resulting in rough landscapes. Recent research confirms slower diffusion in misfolding. Exploiting this, a therapeutic approach is proposed to target misfolding diseases by increasing internal friction. The project aims to understand mechanisms of internal friction, study rough misfolding landscapes, introduce mutations, and explore chemical interventions for novel disease treatment.
Nanomagnet logic is a computational technology combining data storage and processing using magnetic phenomena at the nanoscale. This project explored the use of magnetic metamaterials with geometrically induced magnetic frustration for novel nanomagnet logic devices.
ADVASPEC - Advanced infrared near- and far-field imaging and spectroscopy tools
The project aims to develop advanced microscopy and spectroscopy techniques for nanoscale characterization of materials and photonic devices. We will use s-SNOM and nano-FTIR to overcome diffraction limitations, enabling high-resolution imaging and spectroscopy. The research will focus on studying infrared antenna structures, leading to the development of novel infrared sensors and spectroscopy tools.
INTERFACING - Control of interfaces for advanced physical phenomena and electronic devices
The trend of miniaturization in electronic devices is making the interface between different materials increasingly more important. The interfaces are at the core of the performance of almost any nanoelectronic device, creating new physical phenomena that offer unexplored technological potential. This project aims to understand and control interfaces for advanced physical phenomena and electronic devices. The project is divided into three sections: interfaces for spintronics, metal/molecular interfaces, and 2D/molecular interfaces.
SIESTA - SIESTA for the Theory of Instabilities and Transport in Functional and Low-Dimensional Materials
The project involved a consortium of five institutions for the development of the SIESTA program for efficient first-principles calculations based on density-functional theory. New important features were incorporated (such as spin-orbit coupling, multiple-lead ballistic transport, and time-dependent DFT with moving nuclei), and used in 2D and topological materials. In Nanogune special effort was done in the simulation of strongly non-equilibrium electronic processes induced by swift nuclei projectiles.
ARTE- Atomic Research for Topological Engineering
The objectives of ARTE are two. The topological quantum computation (TQC) deals with the transformations related to the overall shape (“topology”) of a quantum trajectory to perform operations on data and go beyond the limitations of quantum computation. It is a revolutionary technique because it will allow quantum operations to be error free and robust while taking advantage of the radically new approaches of quantum computation, which means smaller systems, less energy dissipation, and faster processing.
InfeMec- Nanomechanics of proteins involved in viral and bacterial infections
We will use bioinformatics and high-throughout screening techniques to identify molecules that alter the nanomecanichs of anchoring proteins and that can potentially be used to prevent infections.E-CAM - An e-infrastructure for software, training and consultancy in simulation and modelling
E-CAM will create, develop and sustain a European infrastructure for computational science applied to simulation and modelling of materials and of biological processes of industrial and societal importance. Building on the already significant network of 15 CECAM centres across Europe and the PRACE initiative, it will create a distributed, sustainable centre for simulation and modelling at and across the atomic, molecular and continuum scales.
By funding program

Yurdana Castelruiz
Projects Manager
+ 34 943574022