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The hidden beauty of marine life revealed in the ITSASAMPLE exhibition
This morning saw the inauguration of the ITSASAMPLE exhibition; it will allow visitors to immerse themselves in a hidden world, a marine universe invisible to the human eye that comes to life through stunning images of biological organisms captured with nanoGUNE's electron microscopes. The ITSASAMPLE…
Liquid-Phase Electron Microscopy Research with Economic Impact
Following the recent development of novel flow reactors, the Electron Microscopy group at CIC nanoGUNE has also explored the potential of pressure-driven pumping systems for advanced control of the hydrodynamics during liquid-phase electron microscopy experiments. The results of this industrial collaboration with…
Novel flow reactors for liquid-phase transmission electron microscopy (LPTEM)
A nanofabrication instrument installed at nanoGUNE enhances the Basque electron microscopy infrastructure
CIC nanoGUNE ran a workshop today to present a new instrument (the CRYO Plasma FIB); it is one of the few in Europe and across the world and has been installed at the center recently. An agreement to enhance the Basque electron microscopy infrastructure was also presented. It was signed by bioGUNE, biomaGUNE,…
Registration period for the summer internship program open
Magnet-free chiral nanowires for spintronic devices
Researchers from the Basque Nanoscience Research Center CIC nanoGUNE (San Sebastian, Spain), in collaboration with POLYMAT (San Sebastian, Spain), the Institute of Physics of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and the Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics (both in Halle, Germany) demonstrate the…
Evgenii Modin's "Microprocessor hieroglyphs", selected photo in FOTCIENCIA
CIC nanoGUNE to expand its Electron-Microscopy facility with a unique FIB instrument
The Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Spanish Government has awarded 1.5 million euros to nanoGUNE aiming to bring principally new Focused Ion Beam technologies to the Basque Country. The equipment will be a state-of-the-art focused ion beam electron microscope, which will combine features that are not…
CIC nanoGUNE and Astilleros Balenciaga collaborate to analyze marine-grade steel
nanoGUNE PhD Workshop 2020
nanoGUNE launches a new summer internship call for university students
PhD student position at Mondragon University in collaboration with CIC nanoGUNE
The University of Mondragon has a 3 years position for a PhD student for a project in collaboration with the Electron Microscopy Laboratory at CIC nanoGUNE.
Students from UPV / EHU, Tecnun, UAB and the UB carry out summer internships at CIC nanoGUNE
“Me permite tener un pie en la ciencia, sabiendo que lo que hacemos es aplicable”
Entrevista a Bentejuí Medina, investigador pre-doctoral de CIC nanoGUNE y la Universidad de Mondragón en la revista MU Universitas.
Openning horizonts of manufacturing
CIC06 has made an excellent work opening new horizons in the machining technique, a manufacturing method with high added-value. The work, in collaboration with Mondragon Unibertsitatea, provides a deep understating of the mechanisms involve and disclose new paths for technique optimization. Please see the article…
Apply for a Basque PhD grant with nanoGUNE
NanoGUNE, located at the Ibaeta Campus of the UPV/EHU in Donostia – San Sebastián, offers PhD opportunities to graduates in Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Biology, and related areas to get their PhD degree.
The first nanometrically-sized superelastic alloy
Remote control actuation goes down to nanoscale
Researchers of the Nanomagnetism Group and Electron Microscopy Group at CIC nanoGUNE devised and demonstrated a novel approach to nanoactuation that relies on magnetomechanics instead of the conventional electromechanics utilized in micro and nanoactuated mechanical systems. The work was reported in Small.
Hot article in Nanoscale
One of our papers has been selected as a Hot article 2016 in Nanoscale.
nanoGUNE Scholarship: call for Master Thesis students
Crystallography drives Exchange Bias in epitaxial Co/CoO bilayer films
In a recent article, published in Physical Review Letters (PRL 109, 177205 (2012)) researchers from the Nanomagnetism group and Electron-Microscopy laboratory at nanoGUNE have reported on the crystallography-driven appearance of positive exchange bias in epitaxial Co/CoO bilayers.
Nature Communications: Correlative infrared-electron nanoscopy
A new nanoimaging method for resolving the interplay between local structure, conductivity, and chemical composition
Nature Materials: Self-assembly of a graphene nanoribbon within a carbon nanotube
A new strategy for spontaneous self-assembly of Graphene NanoRibbons (GNRs) using a Single-Walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) as both the reaction vessel and the template for nanoribbon growth has been reported in a recent article by researchers from nanoGUNE and from the Universities of Nottingham and Ulm (A. Chuvilin…
Nature Materials: High Resolution TEM reveals chemical bonds
The combination of HRTEM experiments and first-principles electronic structure calculations opens a new way to investigate electronic configurations of point defects, other non-periodic arrangements or nanoscale objects that cannot be studied by an electron or X-ray diffraction analysis. In the article published in…
NanoGUNE and FEI collaborate on Advanced Electron-Microscopy Laboratory
An Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM) and a Dual-Beam Focused Ion Beam (FIB) nanofabrication tool have been installed at nanoGUNE’s Advanced Electron Microscopy Laboratory. The purchase of these already-functional tools and a still-to-come spherical-aberration corrected high-resolution Transmission…
Electron Microscopy Laboratory build-up
For the purpose of building up a world-class Electron Microscopy facility, CIC nanoGUNE announces a recent agreement with FEI Company that includes the purchase of several high-end electron microscopes including TEM/STEM, Dual Beam FIB, and ESEM.
Opening horizonts of manufacturing
CIC06 has made an excellent work opening the new horizons for the machining technique, a high added value manufacturing method. The work, now accessible, provides new understanding of the mechanism involve, thus providing new paths for technique optimization. The article can be seen at
Advances in Engineering: Microstructural aspects of metal cutting
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